A、It is going to be sunny with breeze. B、It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind. C、It is going to be hot, humid and gloomy. D、

admin2013-09-07  21

W: It’s too bad I couldn’t get to the rally against fees hikes last Sunday.
M: You’d better try and catch another one that’s being planned next week.
Q: What does the man imply?
M: I wonder when this wet weather will clear up. I’m getting sick and tired of this hot, humid and gloomy weather.
W: But it beats cold weather of winter, doesn’t it? And the weatherman expects cloudy skies to clear up by sunrise and winds to die down.
Q: What do we learn about the weather?

选项 A、It is going to be sunny with breeze.
B、It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind.
C、It is going to be hot, humid and gloomy.
D、It is going to be very cold.


解析 在男士抱怨完天气后,女士说“这总好过冬天的寒冷天气吧,并且天气预报员说了太阳会驱走乌云,风也会变弱的。”A“天气将转晴,略带微风”符合题意。die down是“逐渐消失;减弱”的意思。
