
admin2021-08-19  80

问题     中华文明是亚洲文明的重要组成部分。自古以来,中华文明在继承创新中不断发展,在应时处变中不断升华,积淀着中华民族最深沉的精神追求,是中华民族生生不息、发展壮大的丰厚滋养。中国的造纸术、火药、印刷术、指南针、天文历法、哲学思想、民本理念等在世界上影响深远,有力推动了人类文明发展进程。中华文明是在同其他文明不断交流互鉴中形成的开放体系。从历史上的佛教东传、“伊儒会通”,到近代以来的“西学东渐”、新文化运动、马克思主义和社会主义思想传入中国,再到改革开放以来全方位对外开放,中华文明始终在兼收并蓄中历久弥新。亲仁善邻、协和万邦是中华文明一贯的处世之道,惠民利民、安民富民是中华文明鲜明的价值导向,革故鼎新、与时俱进是中华文明永恒的精神气质,道法自然、天人合一是中华文明内在的生存理念。


答案 Being an inseparable part of Asian civilizations, Chinese civilization has, since its early days, evolved and grown by drawing on its past achievement, exploring new ground and adapting to changes. It represents the profound pursuit of the Chinese nation and provides a rich source of strength for its lasting development. Chinese inventions such as paper making, gunpowder, printing and the compass as well as China’s astronomical knowledge, calendar system, philosophy and the people-centered doctrine have all had a global impact and propelled the development of human civilizations. Chinese civilization, as an inclusive and integrated whole, has become what it is today through constant interactions with other civilizations. It has been enriched by the introduction of Buddhism and the confluence of Islam and Confucianism in the old days, and by the introduction of Western learning, the launch of the New Culture Movement and the introduction of Marxism and socialism in modern times. All-round opening-up of the country, starting with the reform and opening-up program, has added to its vitality today. For Chinese civilization, amity and good neighborliness is the principle guiding our interactions with other countries; and to deliver prosperity and security to the people is the overarching goal, to keep pace with the times through reform and innovation the abiding commitment , and to achieve harmony between man and nature the underlying philosophy.

解析     这两句话的主语都是“中华文明”,且第一句简短而浅显,提及的“亚洲文明”仅是引出主要内容的作用,故可将前后两句合译为一句;鉴于第二句的内容要比第一句重要,因此可将第一句处理为状语“Being an inseparable part of…”,以突出重点,同时增加译文语言的逻辑性。“自古以来”表示“从过去到现在”,故谓语动词应为完成时。“在继承创新中”和“在应时处变中”指出了发展及升华的方式,可用介词by加动名词的形式表示方式、方法。“积淀着……丰厚滋养”这部分是中华文明不断发展和升华之后的结果,为使译文层次清晰,可单独成句。
