梅(plum blossom)、兰(orchid)、竹、菊(chrysanthemum)素有“四君子”之称。作为人格品性的文化象征,梅、兰、竹、菊意义各不相同。兰花的特点是幽雅而芳香,被誉为“空谷佳人”。兰花野生自长,洁身自好,独拒严霜,生于深山幽谷之

admin2021-05-28  69

问题   (plum blossom)、(orchid)、竹、(chrysanthemum)素有“四君子”之称。作为人格品性的文化象征,梅、兰、竹、菊意义各不相同。兰花的特点是幽雅而芳香,被誉为“空谷佳人”。兰花野生自长,洁身自好,独拒严霜,生于深山幽谷之中,不骄不(obsequious),气质超凡脱俗,古人常用它来形容自甘淡泊之美人、穷困自爱之隐士(recluse)、修道立德之君子。兰花形态贤淑,花香幽远,被誉为“香祖”,因其是色、香、姿三者兼备的稀世之花,人们更将它视为完美人格的体现。


答案  The plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are traditionally praised as "the four gentlemen". As the cultural symbol of personality, the four plants symbolize different things. Serene and fragrant, the orchid is hailed as "the beauty in the valley". Living in the wild alone, the orchid preserves its purity and defies severe frost. It grows quietly in the deep mountains and valleys, so it is usually portrayed as exalted in spirit and noble in mind, neither arrogant nor obsequious, and the ancient people often compared "a beauty accepting a simple life willingly", "a poor recluse living with dignity", and "a gentleman cultivating his spiritual life and setting high moral values" to the orchid. Graceful and fragrant, the orchid is honored as "the ancestor of fragrance". Since it is a rare flower with fine colors, pleasant fragrance and delicate shapes, the orchid is widely regarded as a symbol of perfect personality.

