
admin2013-08-18  31

问题     中国有了新的规定,要求人们使用自己的真实姓名注册互联网服务。规定还要求在中国经营的互联网公司去掉有争议的东西。12月28日,全国人民代表大会常务委员会为期5天的会议结束的时候,中国立法机构批准了这些措施。新规定说,网络服务提供商必须“加强用户发布信息的管理”。命令提供商在发现非法信息后停止其传播,并采取措施解决这个问题。新华社说,这些措施包括从互联网上删除信息并报告给政府。


答案 China has new rules that require people to use their real names when registering for Internet service. The rules also require Internet companies operating in China to remove material said to be objectionable. Chinese lawmakers approved the measures on December 28th, at the end of a five-day meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. The new rules say network service providers must "strengthen management of information released by users." The providers have been ordered to stop the spread of illegal information after its discovery, and take steps to deal with the problem. The Xinhua news agency says those steps include removing the information from the Internet and then reporting it to the government.

