A、Amazed. B、Puzzled. C、Bothered. D、Excited. A对话中,女士最后问男士,关于无论走到哪里都会被人认出来这件事情,男士感觉如何。男士回答说,女士会认为他到现在应该已经习惯了这种事情,但其实他仍然觉得这件事情很不可思议

admin2022-08-27  64

W: Charles, among other things, you’re regarded as one of America’s great masters of the blues, a musical idiom—that’s essentially about loss, particularly the loss of romantic love. Why does love die?
M: People often get into love affairs because they have unrealistic expectations about somebody. Then when the person doesn’t turn out to be who they thought he or she was, they start thinking maybe I can change him or her. That kind of thinking is a mistake. Because when the dust settles, people are going to be pretty much what they are. It’s a rare thing for anybody to be able to change who they really are. This creates a lot of problems.
W: At 62, you continue to spend a large percentage of your life touring. What appeals to you about life on the road?
M: Music. I don’t especially love life on the road, but I figure if you are lucky enough to be able to do what you truly love doing, you’ve got the ultimate in life.
W: What’s the most widely-held misconception about the life of a famous musician?
M: People think it’s all glamour. Actually we have the same troubles they do. Playing music doesn’t mean life treats you any better.
W: How do you feel about being recognized everywhere you go?
M: You’d think I’d be used to it by now. But I still find it fascinating. You go to a little town in Japan, where nobody speaks English, yet they know you on sight and know all your music. I’m still amazed by the love people express for me and my music.
5. What does the man say about most people when they get into love affairs?
6. What does the man say about himself as a singer on the road most of his life?
7. What do most people think of the life of a famous musician?
8. How does the man feel whenever he is recognized by his fans?

选项 A、Amazed.


解析 对话中,女士最后问男士,关于无论走到哪里都会被人认出来这件事情,男士感觉如何。男士回答说,女士会认为他到现在应该已经习惯了这种事情,但其实他仍然觉得这件事情很不可思议。他去到日本的一个小镇,那里没有人说英语,但是他们一看见男士就认了出来,并且知道他所有的音乐。他仍然对人们对他以及他的音乐所表达出的爱而感到吃惊。由此可知,A项为正确答案。其他三项都可排除。
