
admin2012-06-26  72

问题     生产相同数量的电,中国消耗的能源是世界平均水平的4倍。从本世纪初开始,增产节能已成为中国政府最关注的事情之一。任何一个国家,不论是中国还是美国,只有为子孙的利益着想才有可能实现持续发展。


答案To generate(produce)the same amount of electricity, China consumes four times as much energy as the world average(the consumption of energy in China is four times the world average/China consumes three times more energy than...).Since the outset(turn/beginning)of this century, increasing productivity while conserving energy has been one of the utmost(biggest)concerns of the Chinese government. No country, be it(whether it be)China or the United States, can achieve sustainable development without taking into consideration(account) /giving consideration to the interest of future generations(the offspring)/unless the interest of the offspring is taken into consideration.

解析     1.第一句中不能使用for producing...,理由是for doing...不能充当目的状语。因“能源”不可数,不能翻译成the same number...或as many energy as...。倍数的翻译一定要避免汉语句子词序的影响,不能翻译为...energy four times as much as...或four times energy as much as...或...four times of the world average。倍数词除了可直接接量词以外,常见的词序是:动词+倍数+as much(many)+名词+as....。例如,“我在英语上花的时间是你的二倍”可翻译为I spend twice as much time on English as you do。另外一个值得注意的方面是主语的选择,尽量以动作执行者当主语。翻译这个句子时,尽量不要翻译成the time I spend on English is four times...,不符合习惯用法。所以说,如果把第一句翻译为The energy China consumes is four times as much as the average amount of the world.就是汉语思维,是不可取的。
    2.第二句要注意时态。既然是“从本世纪初开始”,就意味着“从……到现在”,就应该想到since,而不是翻译为from the beginning of this century,还要想到 主句用完成时。学生不习惯用名词翻译“最关注的事情”,因此往往首先想到比较级。下列译法要扣分:
    has been one of the concern...
    ...is one of the most concerns...
    one of the most concerned things of the government
    one of the things...government concerns most
    one of the things the government is concerned most/one of the things the government is concerning most/one of the things that concerns...government most
    3.can not(不能分开写),或是can’t,或是cannot。
    4.翻译“不论”时,需要根据汉语结构采用不同的表达方法,不要见着“不论”就使用no matter。有的参考书把“中国的大部分建筑,不论是写字楼,还是居民楼”翻译为most buildings in China, no matter office buildings or residential buildings,错误太严重了!有关“不论”的多种译法,请看下列句子:
    All nations, big or small, are equal in international affairs.
    Any language, be it English or Chinese(whether it be English or Chinese),is an important component of the culture in which it is used.
    This issue is discussed by teachers and students alike.
    Believe it or not, this is a true account of the accident.
    Whether you live downtown or in the suburbs, fresh fruit is easily available all the year round.
    Some students tend to take down whatever the professor says at class.
    第一句中,两个表示相反意义的形容词用在名词后,常用or连接,偶尔也用and。类似的表达有“所有公民,不论贫富”,或“任何一个中国人,不论老幼”。第二句反映的是另一种句式,特点是句中名词的意义是泛指,随后的两个名词表达泛指范围内的东西,如“任何一所大学,不论是清华还是北大”,此时最好不要使用no matter句式。第三句的特点是在两个表示对立意义的名词后使用alike,表示“都”或“不论是……还是……”。第四句代表一些固定的表达法,类似的句子有rain or shine(不管天气如何),like it or not(不论你是否喜欢),for better or for worse(不论是好是坏)。第五句说明的是,只要有whether,就没必要还用no matter。
    5.any country...cannot...不符合英文习惯,应该用no country can...。
    6....no country is possible to achieve sustainable development if...(严重错误)
