The Warwickshire Avon falls into the Severn here, and on the sides of both, for many miles back, there are the finest meadows th

admin2013-05-19  20

问题     The Warwickshire Avon falls into the Severn here, and on the sides of both, for many miles back, there are the finest meadows that ever were seen. In looking over them, and beholding the endless flocks and herds, one wonders what can become of all the meat! By riding on about eight or nine miles farther, however, this wonder is a little diminished; for here we come to one of the devouring WENS: namely, CHELTENHAM, which is what they call a "watering place", that is to say, a place to which East India plunderers, West India floggers, English taxgorgers, together with gluttons, drunkards, and debauchees of all descriptions, female as well as male, resort, at the suggestion of silently laughing quacks, in the hope of getting rid of the bodily consequences of their manifold sins and iniquities. When I enter a place like this, I always feel disposed to squeeze up my nose with my fingers. It is nonsense, to be sure; but I conceit that every two-legged creature, that I see coming near me, is about all that is knavish and all that is foolish and all that is base; gamesters, pick-pockets, and harlots.


答案 华立克夏的爱望河在此处流入色纹河,两河沿岸若干英里水草丰美,前所未见。草地上牛羊成群,沿途不断。看着这景色,这牛羊,心想这些好肉可作多少用途,不禁感到神奇。但是再向前骑八九英里,这神奇之感就破灭了;原来我们已经到达一个毒瘤似的害人地方,名叫却尔特能,所谓温泉胜地是也。这地方充满了东印度的劫掠者,西印度的奴隶主,英国的税吏、吃客、酒鬼、淫棍,各色各样,男女俱全。他们听了一些窃窃暗笑的江湖郎中的鬼话,以为在做了多少丑事之后,一身孽障,可以到此一洗干净!我每次进入这等地方,总想用手指捏住自己鼻子。当然这话没有道理,但我一看见这儿任何一个两腿畜生向我走来,实在觉得他们肮脏不堪,像是一有机会就要将他们的毒疮传染给我似的!来这地方的都是最恶劣、最愚蠢、最下流的人:赌鬼、小偷、娼妓。

解析     本篇节选自成廉.科贝特的《温泉胜地》将山水的美丽与时代的苦难结合起来。与普通的游记文章相比,这篇文章既有随笔小品的情致,又有政论文的锋利。翻译时,要注意原文用词的简洁有力,衔接自然,直抒胸臆等特点。
…and on the sides of both,for many miles back,there are the finest meadows that ever were seen:原文是用关系从句进行连接,意思是“河流的两岸水草丰美,绵延很多英里,这样的景色是以前没有见过的”。汉语是意合的语言,以简洁为贵,如译成“两河沿岸若干英里水草丰美,前所未见”,无拖泥带水之嫌,有干净爽利之趣。
…one wonders what can become of all the meat:  “become of”表示“使遭遇,发生于”,是看到成群牛羊之后,发出的感叹。此句可译为“心想这些好肉可作多少用途”。
floggers:  “flog”作动词,意为“鞭打”,故“flogger”表示“奴隶主”。
taxgorgers:  “gorge”作动词,意为“eat greedily;fill(oneself)”,即“贪婪地吃;填饱”,此处“taxgorger”意为“到处收税,压榨百姓的官员”,可译为“税吏”。
…in the hope of getting rid of the bodily consequences of their manifold sins and iniquities:“iniquity”意为“Gross immorality or injustice;wickedness”,即“邪恶;不公正”。此句的意思是,希望能够去除因为种种邪恶的行为对身体造成的不良后果。原文的语言非常精炼,译成汉语时需扩译。可译为“以为在做了多少丑事之后,一身孽障,可以到此一洗干净”。
every two—legged creature:作者爱憎分明,使用“two-legged”说明对于这些人的不屑一顾,故译为“任何一个两腿畜生”。
