Man: Jeff has lots of good ideas. Do you think he’s willing to come to the meeting? Woman: Oh, I think he’d be glad to come.

admin2014-03-15  22

问题 Man: Jeff has lots of good ideas. Do you think he’s willing to come to the meeting?    Woman: Oh, I think he’d be glad to come. What is difficult is getting him to speak before a large crowd.    Question: What does the woman imply about Jeff?

选项 A、He has to go to another meeting first.
B、He won’t want to speak at the meeting.
C、He might get lost in the crowd.
D、He doesn’t like to go to meetings.


解析  女士认为要请杰夫来并没问题,难的是要让他在众人面前发言,可见杰夫不愿意或不喜欢在大众面前发言。
