Who would have believed it? After what seems like an eternity of tantalizing hype about "high-definition" television, the first

admin2009-04-27  34

问题     Who would have believed it? After what seems like an eternity of tantalizing hype about "high-definition" television, the first digital sets are actually on their way to the market. This much anticipated debut would seem to be terrific news for tube lovers. As promised, the sets deliver super-sharp digital pictures, wide-format movie-style screens and magnificent stereo surround sound.
    So should everybody rush out to buy one? Well...maybe not. HDTV’s obvious advantages over conventional sets are offset by significant disadvantages. For openers, there’s the price tag. Sony’s small set, with a 34-in screen, lists for a fairly large $8,999. Prices will eventually drop, of course, but Bill Mannion, general manager of Panasonic’s TV division, acknowledges, "It’s going to be a while, maybe years before most consumers can afford HDTV."
    Even if you’re a gadget freak with deep pockets, you may think twice about buying for another reason: "high definition" will not be equally high. Some programs will be broadcast at 480 lines of resolution (compared with 330 or so on conventional televisions), others at a sharper 720 lines, and still others at the maximum of 1,080. NBC says it plans to start by offering 480-line quality for day-time programming and 1,080 for some prime-time shows and specials.
    But cable-TV customers—a full two-thirds of American households—may get a sinking feeling of another sort if they try to tune in. Cable companies are refusing, for now, to carry broadcasters’ HDTV signals, saying information-rich HDTV channels overtax their systems. Therefore viewers, who want decent reception, will have to buy clumsy, old-fashioned TV antennas if they plan to pull in digital broadcasts.
    One decision consumers won’t have to make is whether to buy a set that uses one format or another. Back in the days when VCRs were new, you could buy a VHS or a Beta-format machine; neither could read or record on the other’s tapes. Those who chose Beta generally regretted it, as VHS took over the market, video companies stopped releasing Beta-format movies, and Beta sets became essentially useless.
    Most reassuring of all, the new sets will be able to pick up conventional TV broadcasts. You won’t need two TV sets sitting side by side. Will that be enough to talk consumers into putting down the better part of $10,0007 Manufactures hope that wide-eyed excitement over this genuinely revolutionary new technology will help hide the fact that it’s still a work in progress. Realistically, they expect the revolution to be a slow one.

选项 A、has its limitations.
B、is a landmark in TV technology.
C、is likely to be accepted by the mass.
D、is doubted by manufacturers on its practicability.


解析 推理判断题。本文第二段前三句指出"然而,我们每个人都应该马上去买一部数字电视机吗?或许答案是否定的。高清晰电视机相对于传统电视机有其显著的优点,但也有其缺点,二者似乎可以抵消。对于消费者来说,主要就是价格"。第三段首句指出"即使您是一位富有的新发明的痴迷者,也应该再三考虑一下是否应该去买一部数字电视机,因为所谓的高清晰度在本质上也并不是真的高清晰"。第四段首句"But cable-TV customers—a full two-thirds of American households—may get a sinking feeling of another sort if they try to tune in"又指出"然而占美国三分之二家庭的有线电视用户,如果想把高清晰度电视接入有线电视的话,将会由于另外一个原因而感到失落"。由作者提到的"价格高、清晰度问题及接入问题"可以推断出"高清晰度电视并不是全是优点,它还有局限性"。
