Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear
Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear
Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary.
Combating Underage Drinking
More young people drink alcohol than use other drugs or smoke tobacco, and underage drinking costs the nation an estimated $53 billion annually in losses stemming from traffic fatalities, violent crime, and other behaviors that threaten the well-being of America’s youth. Curbing underage drinking is an uphill battle because alcohol is legal and readily available to adults. To tackle the problem, a new report from the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies offers a comprehensive strategy that requires a deep, shared commitment from many institutions and individuals, including alcohol manufacturers and retail businesses, the entertainment industry, and parents and other adults in local communities.
"All segments of U.S. society should address underage drinking in a serious, coordinated, and sustained manner," said Richard J. Bonnie, John S. Battle Professor of Law and director of the Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, and chair of the committee that wrote the report. "We have to find effective ways to protect our nation’s youth while we respect the interests of responsible adult consumers of alcohol. The recommendations in this report attempt to strike the right balance," The congressionally man- dated study lays out a strategy that includes heightened adult supervision of children’s behavior and calls upon the alcohol and entertainment industries to take stronger steps to shield young people from unsuitable messages about alcohol consumption. Taken as a whole, the plan would have a considerable impact, the committee said, adding that the strategy should be subject to ongoing refinement.
Most adults express concern about underage drinking and voice support for public policies to curb it. Yet surveys show that youth often obtain alcohol from adults. Studies also show that many parents underestimate both the extent of the problem and their own children’s alcohol- consumption habits.
States and localities should use a wide range of educational and enforcement measures to, boost compliance with laws that prohibit selling or providing alcohol to children, adolescents, and young adults under the legal drinking age of 21. The aim is to deter adults and youths alike, the report says. Among the recommended measures, steps are increasing the frequency of compliance checks, in which authorities monitor whether businesses are obeying minimum-drinking- age laws and levy fines when necessary, and requiring all sellers and servers of alcohol to complete state-approved training as a condition of employment. Likewise, the federal government should require states to achieve specified rates of retailer compliance with youth-access laws as a condition of receiving federal funds. And states should enhance efforts to prevent and detect the use of false identification by minors who want to purchase alcohol—for example, by issuing drivers’ licenses and state ID cards that can be electronically scanned.
In addition, states that allow Internet sales and home delivery of alcohol should adopt regulations that require customers to sign statements verifying their identity and age at the time of delivery. At the local level, police, working with community leaders, should create policies for detecting and shutting down underage drinking parties, the report says. Likewise, the federal government should fund and actively support the development of a national media campaign to encourage parents and other adults to take steps in their own households and neighborhoods to discourage underage drinking. Officials should carefully craft this activity to make sure that it would reach a diverse audience, the report says.
Combating Underage Drinking More young people drink alcohol than use other drugs or smoke tobacco,and underage drinking costs the nation an estimated $53 billion1annually in losses stemming from traffic fatalities,violent crime,and other behaviors that threaten the well-being of America’s youth. Curbing underage drinking is an uphill battle because alcohol is legal and readily available to adults. To tackle the problem, a new report from the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies offers a comprehensive strategy that requires a deep, shared commitment from many institutions and individuals, including alcohol manufacturers and retail businesses, the entertainment industry, and parents and other adults in local communities2. "All segments of U.S. society should address underage drinking in a serious, coordinated, and sustained manner,"3said Richard J. Bonnie, John S. Battle Professor of Law and director of the Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, and chair of the committee that wrote the report. "We have to find effective ways to protect our nation’s youth while we respect the interests of responsible adult consumers of alcohol.4The recommendations in this report attempt to strike the right balance." The congressionally mandated study lays out a strategy that includes heightened adult supervision of children’s behavior and calls upon the alcohol and entertainment industries to take stronger steps to shield young people from unsuitable messages about alcohol consumption. Taken as a whole, the plan would have a considerable impact, the committee said, adding that the strategy should be subject to ongoing refinement. Most adults express concern about underage drinking and voice support for public policies to curb it. Yet surveys show that youth often obtain alcohol from adults5. Studies also show that many parents underestimate both the extent of the problem6and their own children’s alcohol-consumption habits. States and localities should use a wide range of educational and enforcement measures to boost compliance with laws that prohibit selling or providing alcohol to children, adolescents, and young adults under the legal drinking age of 21. The aim is to deter adults and youths alike, the report says. Among the recommended measures, steps are increasing the frequency of compliance checks7, in which authorities monitor whether businesses are obeying minimum-drinking-age laws and levy fines when necessary, and requiring all sellers and servers of alcohol to complete state-approved training as a condition of employment. Likewise, the federal government should require states to achieve specified rates of retailer compliance with youth-access laws as a condition of receiving federal funds. And states should enhance efforts to prevent and detect the use of false identification8by minors who want to purchase alcohol—for example, by issuing drivers’ licenses and state ID cards that can be electronically scanned. In addition, states that allow Internet sales and home delivery of alcohol9should adopt regulations that require customers to sign statements verifying their identity and age at the time of delivery. At the local level, police, working with community leaders, should create policies for detecting and shutting down underage drinking parties10, the report says. Likewise, the federal government should fund and actively support the development of a national media campaign to encourage parents and other adults to take steps in their own households and neighborhoods to discourage underage drinking.Officials should carefully craft this activity to make sure that it would reach a diverse audience, the report says.
本题要求就所听材料写综述,那么在听的过程中理清文章主要结构是必要的。具体操作手段是先根据所听的标题判断全文的重心所在。如本篇文章的标题是Combating Underage Drinking(与未成年人饮酒问题作斗争),那么与此有关的信息,像斗争的方针、手段、策略或结果等均可成为本文框架性内容;此外,除框架性内容以外,综述中还应根据情况补充与主题和框架结构相关的支持性细节,使综述得以丰满。
1.…a new report from the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies offers a comprehensive strategy that requires a deep,shared commitment from many institutions and individuals…
[分析] 该句提到了报告直奔全文主题,其中所说的策略要求具有宏观性,成为综述框架结构的一部分。
[要点表达] 1) the National Research Council国家研究委员会
2) Institute of Medicine of the National Academies国家科学院医学研究所
3) strategy策略
4) deep, shared commitment全面共同的承诺
2.The congressionally mandated study lays out a strategy that includes heightened adult supervision of children’s behavior and calls upon the alcohol and entertainment industries to take stronger steps to shield young people from unsuitable messages about alcohol consumption.
[分析] 本句高度概括报告内容,因此成为框架性结构的一部分。
[要点表达] 1) congressionally mandated study
2) lay out制定
3) heighten adult supervision of children’s behavior
4) call upon号召
5) take stronger steps采取更为强有力的措施
6) shield young people from unsuitable messages
3.Most adults express concern about underage drinking and voice support for public policies to curb it.
[分析] 该句为报告的重点内容提供了重要的背景信息,因此成为框架性结构的一部分。
[要点表达] 1) express concern about表达对……的关心
2) voice support for对……表示支持
3) curb约束,控制
4.States and localities should use a wide range of educational and enforcement measures to boost compliance with laws that prohibit selling or providing alcohol to children, adolescents, and young adults…
[分析] 该句为报告的重点内容之一,指出与未成年人饮酒问题作斗争的
[要点表达] 1) a wide range of广泛的
2) boost compliance with遵守
5.…the federal government should fund and actively support the development of a national media campaign to encourage parents and other adults to take steps in their own households and neighborhoods to discourage underage drinking. Officials should carefully craft this activity to make sure that it would reach a diverse audience…
[分析] 该句也是报告的重点内容之一,从政府的高度指出与未成年人饮酒问题作斗争的手段,因此成为框架性结构的一部分。
[要点表达] 1) the federal government联邦政府
2) a national media campaign全国性媒体运动
3) a diverse audience广泛的民众
1.More young people drink alcohol than use other drugs or smoke tobacco, and underage drinking costs the nation an estimated $53 billion…
[分析] 本句以具体统计数字说明未成年人饮酒问题,为全文主要内容作了铺垫,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] 1) more…than…比较级结构
2) underage drinking未成年人饮酒
2.…alcohol manufacturers and retail businesses,the entertainment industry, and parents and other adults in local communities.
[分析] 具体说明报告中的重要参与者,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] 1) alcohol manufacturers酒精制造者
2) retail businesses零售业
3) entertainment industry娱乐业
3.All segments of U.S. society should address underage drinking in a serious, coordinated, and sustained manner…
[分析] 该句源于有关权威人士的话语,对该报告的产生作了交代,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] 1) segments部分
2) address把注意力集中于
3) serious,coordinated,and sustained manner
4.We have to find effective ways to protect our nation’s youth while we respect the interests of responsible adult consumers of alcohol.
[分析] 该句源于有关权威人士的话语,对该报告有关内容的产生作了交代,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] 1) effective ways有效的方法
2) while与……同时
3) interests利益
4) responsible adult consumers of alcohol
5.…youth often obtain alcohol from adults.
[分析] 该句说明了报告主要策略的背景原因,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] obtain…from从……得到
6.Studies also show that many parents underestimate both the extent of the problem…
[分析] 该句也说明了报告主要策略的背景原因,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] underestimate低估
7.…steps are increasing the frequency of compliance checks…
[分析] 本句属于报告宏观措施下的具体实施环节,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] increase the frequency of compliance checks加强检查的频度
8.…states should enhance efforts to prevent and detect the use of false identification…
[分析] 本句是对报告宏观措施的具体解释说明,属于报告宏观措施下的具体实施环节,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] 1) enhance efforts加强努力
2) false identification虚假身份证明
9.Internet sales and home delivery of alcohol…
[分析] 本短语是涉及报告主要内容的重要补充信息,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] 1) Internet sales网络销售
2) home delivery送货上门
10.detecting and shutting down underage drinking parties…
[分析] 本句属于报告宏观措施下的具体实施环节,因此是支持性细节部分。
[要点表达] shut down关闭,制止
新合伙人人伙时,应当经( )同意,并依法订立书面入伙协议。