
admin2016-09-27  107

问题     上海自贸区于2013年8月22日经国务院批准设立,9月29日正式挂牌。无数创业者在问:上海自贸区到底能带给自己什么?自贸区当然不只是金融大鳄、商业巨头的自贸区,同样也孕育着小创业者的机会。换言之,这里不是一个靠优惠创富的特区,而是属于冒险者的天堂。睁大双眼,遍地机遇。比如,大量优质外国文化产品、娱乐形式和文化领域的人才将聚集上海,这将有利于这些外资文化公司在华拓展业务,对于国内相对落后的文化娱乐产业也将有促进作用。文化产业的概念很大,里头有无数个细分市场,每一个细分市场不仅自身能赚钱,还有可能产生无数的衍生行业。举个例子,假如米高梅电影公司来华投资,这家在华公司投拍一部好莱坞大片,将有望更多地借助中国企业的支持,如戏服订购租赁,相关周边产品分销,就连电影城周围的盒饭供应都是一桩好生意。据说上海几家专为餐饮店提供服务的演出小分队正在苦修英文,而一些舞蹈院校加派了社交舞、钢管舞等课程,以应对未来消费者和从业者的需求。因此,关键在于作为小鱼的创业者能不能发现大鱼的需求,在它吞掉你之前,找到自己的价值,发展壮大。


答案Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone was established on September 29 th went public on the list of Stock Exchange and under the approval of the State Council on August 22 th, 2013 and officially. Many entrepreneurs have since asked: What can the Free Trade Zone bring to us? The free trade zone not only belongs to those financial giants or commercial tycoons but also breeds opportunities for those small entrepreneurs. In other words, it is not a special zone for enjoying preferential treatment or creating wealth, but a heaven for ventures. Keep your eyes open and you will find opportunities in every field. For example, massive superior foreign cultural products, recreational forms and talents in the cultural community will gather in Shanghai to the benefit of expanding business for those foreign cultural companies and also promoting the development of backward culture and recreation industry at home. Culture industry is so large that it can be divided into specific markets which are not only profitable but also can bring derivatives. For example, if Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer makes an investment in a Hollywood blockbuster in China, it will mostly seek support from Chinese companies such as order and lease of costume, distribution of related products and e-ven sales of packed meal around the film city. It is said that some performance team members in the restaurants are making every effort to learn English and some dance academies add courses on ballroom dance and pole dancing to fulfill future demands of consumers and practitioners. Therefore, the key lies in that whether you, as a shrimp, can i-dentify the demand of the fish, find out your own value and strengthen yourself before being eaten by the fish.

