
admin2022-09-09  20

问题 下面你将听到一段有关校园暴力问题的讲话。
    全球半数青少年遭受过校园暴力。约1. 5亿13至15岁的学生表示他们曾在校园内外遭受过同伴暴力。近712亿学龄儿童生活在尚未完全禁止学校体罚的国家中。这些儿童可能遭受教师及其他权威人物的体罚。全世界13至15岁的学生中,略多于三分之一的人曾遭受过欺凌。现有数据显示,欺凌是校园内最常见的暴力形式之一。被边缘化的儿童尤其容易遭受欺凌。//
    据估算,有1. 58亿6至17岁儿童生活在受冲突影响的地区,对于他们而言,学校往往还没有社区安全。在冲突地区上学的儿童被迫冒着生命危险接受教育。全球范围来看,暴力侵害儿童造成的损失每年高达7万亿美元。这样的成本抵消着我们在卫生、儿童早期发展和教育领域的投入。暴力会不断延续。成长于暴力环境中的儿童在成年后更有可能做出暴力行为。//


答案 Schools should be a safe space for children to learn and grow. But for half of the world’s teens, this isn’t the case. Millions of children experience violence, bullying and threats in and around the classroom, which can have lifelong effects on their physical and emotional health. However, violence in schools is preventable. To protect this and future generations of children, we need to come together to demand change to end violence in schools. Half of world’s teens experience violence in schools. Around 150 million students between the ages of 13 and 15 have reported experiencing peer-to-peer violence in and around school. Nearly 720 million school-age children live in countries where they are not fully protected by law from corporal punishment in schools. These children are unprotected from physical punishment by teachers and other authority figures. Globally, more than 1/3 of students aged 13~15 have experienced bullying. Based on available data, bullying is one of the most common types of violence reported in schools. Children who are already marginalized are especially vulnerable to bullying. An estimated 158 million children aged 6-17 live in conflict-affected areas where classrooms are often no safer than communities. Children going to school in conflict zones are forced to risk their lives to get an education. Globally, the cost of violence against children adds up to US $7 trillion a year. This cost undermines investments in health, early childhood development and education. Violence perpetuates violence. Children who grow up around violence are more likely to re-enact violence as young adults. Violence has lifelong consequences. Toxic stress associated with repeated exposure to violence in early childhood can interfere with healthy brain development, and can lead to aggressive and anti-social behaviors, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior and criminal activity. Students around the world are stepping up to demand the safety and education they deserve. It’s time to follow their lead. Don’t let violence be an everyday lesson.

解析     本文主要讨论校园暴力问题的现状以及危害,并呼吁社会各界加入改变校园暴力的行列。全文字数贴近真题,且各段字数分配均匀。文章通过举例子、列数据的方式具体论述校园暴力的现状及危害。整体来说,本文难度适中。文中未出现较多生僻词汇及复杂句型,听辨难度不大,但部分段落数字较多,事例较多,信息密度比较高,考验译员对数字的敏感程度及反应速度。
    (1) 第一段中需要注意“成百上千万的儿童在校园内外遭受暴力、欺凌和威胁,这将给他们的身心健康带来持续终生的影响”一句的翻译。中文常用短句,英文常用长句,并经常通过从句或代词体现句子之间的逻辑或联系,因此本句可利用which从句体现原文短句间的逻辑关系,译作Millions of children experience violence, bullying and threats in and around the classroom, which can have lifelong effects on their physical and emotional health。
    (2) 第二段有少量的数字信息,但整体难度适中,在听辨时做好笔记,译成英文时难度不大,但在处理一些表达时,译员需要注意准确性。例如,“同伴暴力”可译为peer-to-peer violence,“学龄儿童”可译为school-age children。
    (3) 第三段主要讲校园暴力问题带来的经济损失。在进行数字翻译时,需要注意单位,例如“损失每年高达7万亿美元”,单位为美元,在译文中要有所体现。“这样的成本抵消着我们……的投入”中“抵消”可译为undermine;“暴力会不断延续”可译为Violence perpetuates violence。
    (4) 第四段“暴力会带来持续终生的影响”中,“影响”一词除了influence之外,也可根据句意灵活译作consequences,consequences可表示某一行为或情况带来的不好的或不方便的结果,更符合原文语义。
