Owing to the expansion of your department, there is a demand for extra staffs. The Managing Director has asked you to give solut

admin2016-09-24  28

问题 Owing to the expansion of your department, there is a demand for extra staffs. The Managing Director has asked you to give solutions to the problem.
Write a proposal to the Managing Director:
- informing the current situation of your department
- explaining what has been done to improve efficiency and why this demand is necessary
- outlining your future plans for your department
- evaluating the effects of adding new staffs.
Write 200-250 words.


答案Proposal for adding new staffs Introduction As demanded by the Managing Director, I have investigated the problems, which have been raised concerning the demand for more staffs in our department. Findings From the investigations we can see our department opened more channels this year owing to the growth of sales in canned food, as a result, each sales man is in charge of twice the sections than that of last year. Much has been done to improve work efficiency. For example, the marketing channels are reintegrated, all the staff are equipped with laptops to send sales information, contact with distributors are enhanced. Recommendations We are still in great need of experienced sales persons in spite of all efforts we’re made. My suggestions are as follows: First, the Eastern China Regional Manager is still vacant and we need to call our agency to find the right person and fill the position as soon as possible. Second, another Supply Chain Supervisor is needed as the current one has been given maternity leave for six months. Third, ten more experienced marketers are in great demand because of the added channels. As for future work, the four Regional Managers will be in charge of the subordinate district managers. The Supply Chain Supervisor will be responsible for connecting Product Department and Sales Department as well as the distributors to trace the delivery process to ensure the delivery on time. I believe with all these finished, we can make another victory in the market.

解析     题目要求写一篇关于增加部门人员的建议书。根据题目要求,这是一篇写给总经理提出增加人员需求的建议书。要求首先说明目前部门的情况,接下来解释为了提高效率都做了哪些工作,为什么增加人员是必须的,接着说明将来的部门工作计划,最后评价增加人员的预期效果。说明部门工作情况时,应注意说明目前都有多少工作,有多少人在做,可以侧重与以往相比增加了哪些工作,因此才会产生增加人员的需求;在解释为提高效率做了哪些工作时,可以说明所采取的一些激励措施、加班、工作重新分配、改良技术等方面所做的努力,说明所有可能的办法都采用了,但还是需要增加人员;说明将来的计划时,应结合前面的工作进行描述,应有一个明确清晰的目标,让对方知道增加的人员用于做哪些工作,是否是必要的,可以包括新设岗位、原来岗位增加人员、储备人才等各方面;最后说明增加人员带来的效果时,应注意这些效果都是与增加人员相关的,而非其他方面的效果。写作时应注意表达流畅,层次清晰,同时注意前后照应。
