在中国的各色菜系中,客家菜(Hakka cuisine)可能不是最有卖相的,但是其味道绝不会输给任何菜系。客家菜会让你想起母亲的味道,一道道菜就像是母亲为远游归来的孩子烹饪的美食。客家菜对于肉的重视说明,在困难时期,肉是奢侈品,只有在很重要的场合才能吃到。

admin2022-09-27  83

问题 在中国的各色菜系中,客家菜(Hakka cuisine)可能不是最有卖相的,但是其味道绝不会输给任何菜系。客家菜会让你想起母亲的味道,一道道菜就像是母亲为远游归来的孩子烹饪的美食。客家菜对于肉的重视说明,在困难时期,肉是奢侈品,只有在很重要的场合才能吃到。像咸菜焖猪肉这样的菜肴在全国都很受欢迎,还有一道人们不太熟悉的客家主食,叫作猪肚炖鸡,也是美味到无法形容。


答案Hakka cuisine may not be the best-looking in the vast array of Chinese cuisine, but it is surely a promising candidate for the best taste. It reminds one of the food a mother cooks for her child who is coming back after a long absence from home. The emphasis on meat of Hakka cuisine could demonstrate that in hard times meat was a luxury and should be reserved for only the rarest of occasions. Dishes like pork with salted vegetables have gained popularity across the nation. There is a Hakka staple that is relatively unknown to people, pork tripe stewed chicken, which proved to be delicious beyond description.

