A、They cooperated well with the police. B、They enjoyed a fairly affluent life. C、They were puzzled by the mystery. D、They had a

admin2023-02-10  7

Bundles containing thousands of pounds in cash keep turning up on the streets of Blackball Colliery in Northern England, according to police. Residents of the village have been coming across bundles of £20 notes — usually worth £2,000 — in the former mining village in County Durham. The latest discovery was on Monday, meaning four of these cash bundles have been handed in this year and 13 since 2014. The bundles are usually left in plain sight and have been scattered across the small coastal village. The owner has two weeks to collect the cash, which is then returned to the finder if not claimed, according to Peterlee Police. A Durham Police spokesperson said the money has been returned to the lucky finders in all cases except yesterday. Policeman John Forster said in a statement: "The circumstances remain a mystery so we would welcome any information that will help us get to the bottom of these random incidents." He told The Northern Echo: "It isn’t an affluent part of the world, so for them to find cash of that amount and instantly think about taking it to the police stations shows the community spirit there is."
    5.  What happened on the streets of Blackhall Colliery?
    6. What did the local police do with the money if not claimed in two weeks?
    7. What did the policeman, John Forster, say about the villagers?

选项 A、They cooperated well with the police.
B、They enjoyed a fairly affluent life.
C、They were puzzled by the mystery.
D、They had a strong community spirit.


解析 题目问,关于村民们,警察约翰.福斯特说了些什么。新闻结尾提到,警察约翰.福斯特在接受《北方回声报》采访时说,这里的村民们并不富裕,但他们发现这么多现金时还是想到立刻上交给警局,这显示了他们的社区精神。D项“他们有强烈的社区精神”与之相符。
