•Read the article below about successful e-mail negotiation. •Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of th

admin2013-02-14  31

问题 •Read the article below about successful e-mail negotiation.
•Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
•For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
•Do not use any letter more than once.
                               Successful E-mail Negotiation
      Given that you are involved in a negotiation that must proceed via information technology, how can you best achieve your goals? The following prescriptions are important. Most people overestimate the ability of other people to make sense out of what they mean. People have a hard enough time deciphering our messages in face-to-face interactions; accuracy decreases dramatically in e-mail exchanges. Many people assume that longer means clearer. It does not. People have a slant attention span and often dislike long e-mail messages, or perhaps even stop reading them if they began to fall off of the screen. Must people are capable of only retaining seven, plus-or-minus two, ideas in their head at any one 6rae. As a general rule of thumb, most e- mail messages should fit on a single screen. Screen loading, or the tendency to write very long message can lead to annoyance on the part of the recipient, especially if be or she is busy. Negotiations are more productive when the parties exchange a greater number of shorter e-mails, rather than fewer, but longer e-malls.  (9)  This also builds reciprocity in exchange.
     The asynchronous nature of e-mail provides people with the dubious luxury of not having to immediately receive of respond to e-mail messages. However, the sender of e-mail messages often expects a timely response. Not responding to e-mail may be perceived as rejection and disinterest. Further, newer forms of software allow senders to ascertain whether the recipient has read their e-mail. Failure to provide a timely response to e-mall is akin to giving the "silent treatment" to someone.  (10)  .
      Meta-communication is communication about communication. This boils down to people talking about how they should communicate.  (11)   In any electronic communication, it is important to let team members know how often you check your e-mail, whether you or someone else reads and responds to your e-mail, and whether you forward your e-mail to others.
     Flaming refers to the insults, criticisms, and character assassinations that people hurl over e-mail. Flaming remarks make fun of grammar, include labeling and accusations, character attack, backhanded compliments, and blunt statements.  (12)  . In contrast, face-to-face groups have mechanisms and norms, such as conformity pressure, that largely prevent flaming. People react to each other with less politeness, empathy or inhibition if they cannot sense the other’s social presence.  (13)  .
      There is more uncertainty, doubt, and ambiguity in electronic mail exchanges.  (14)  .As a consequence, people become frustrated and seek to control the exchange by issuing threats, e.g. "I am not going to read my e-mail again". Along lines, do nut chastise or deliver negative feedback via e-mail; face-to-face or telephone communication is more appropriate.
A  Such and other negative interpersonal behaviors often stem from feelings of isolation.
B  This stems from the asynchronous nature of communication.
C  Increasing the rate of e-mail exchange prevents misunderstanding because misperceptions can be quickly rectified.
D  This will result in the failure of communication.
E  Suspicion and hostility increase as the communication between parties diminishes.
F  Negotiators are much more likely to issue threats when communicating via information technology.
G  Most people overestimate the ability of other people to make sense out of what they mean.
H This is of critical importance in electronic interaction because the norms of mm taking and conversation are not clear.



