A、Most of them weren’t interested in the topic. B、Most of them were willing to tell their stories. C、Some of them refused her in

admin2012-07-11  34

M: Victoria Zackheim is the editor of the book series The Other Woman. First let’s talk about what drew you to this subject.
W: (23) It actually started when I was in a car one day and I heard somebody on the radio say the other woman. And being a writer,I immediately thought what an amazing series that would make.
M: But have you thought about whether you can find so many authors in the beginning?
W: I never dreamt that I’d find authors who were willing to tell their stories. And of course,at last I found authors who wanted to tell their stories very much.
M: In your case,your husband had divorced his wife,but he couldn’t let go of her. He kept talking about her.
W: Actually it wasn’t my husband. (24) I was in a relationship with a man for several years who had been divorced for many years,and hadn’t seen his wife for many years. And the sort of the illusion of the unfinished business in their relationship hung over our relationship until finally it just became impossible.
M: But it’s just a thing about relationships. So how did you find the authors and why did you think they were willing to speak?
W: Well,I started off asking some of the top authors in the country,and to find out if they even had these experiences. I had no idea, so I proposed to them that that was a series, that was a possibility, and if they had been on either side of this,would they be interested? Expecting them to say, "Oh,I’m really sorry. " (25) But instead,I got this overwhelming response of "Yes". The e-mails that I got back were things like sweet revenge.
23. How did the woman think out the name " The Other Woman""!
24. What can we learn about the woman’s boyfriend?
25. What is the authors’ attitude towards the woman’s invitation to join in the series?

选项 A、Most of them weren’t interested in the topic.
B、Most of them were willing to tell their stories.
C、Some of them refused her invitation directly.
D、Some of them didn’t give her any responses.


解析 在对话中女士提到,当她邀请一些一流的作者把这种经历写成书时,她得到了非常多的肯定回答。故答案为B)。
