You are going to read a text about ways to be happier at work, followed by a list of examples. Choose the most suitable example

admin2014-07-25  28

问题 You are going to read a text about ways to be happier at work, followed by a list of examples. Choose the most suitable example from the list A—F for each numbered subheading(1 — 5). There is one extra example which you do not need to use.
    With widespread job cuts and a recession to deal with, it’s not easy to maintain a positive outlook at work these days. But being optimistic, despite the stress, could actually help you thrive during a downturn.
    "Most people make the mistake of thinking that success leads to happiness. In fact, our brains work precisely the other way around," says Shawn Achor, head of Aspirant, a consulting firm that advises clients like Microsoft, American Express, Credit Suisse, and UBS on how to keep spirit and productivity up in these extraordinarily difficult times.
    Want to train your brain to stay optimistic? Here are five ways to get started:
    【R1】Practice Looking for the Good.
    Achor cites studies showing that people who keep a daily "gratitude list" become happier and more successful over time. For the next 21 days, every night before you go to sleep, think about three things you’re grateful for. Say them out loud. ______     【R2】Have Some Fun
    Many people think the words ’work’ and ’fun’ are mutually exclusive. But research shows that bursts of lightheartedness, whether from a smile shared with a colleague or a funny clip on YouTube, actually cause people to think more clearly and creatively. ______
    【R3】Brighten Your Office Space.
    Everything around you affects your frame of mind. Certain environmental cues can trigger your reflexive brain into needless panic, while others can prime you for creative thinking or calm reflection. ____
    【R4】Keep a Journal
    If you find yourself worrying about bad news, a scary rumor, or a stressful deadline, take three minutes to write down how you’re feeling. ______
    【R5】Invest in People
    "Smart people do stupid things during times of stress, like shutting down their social networks to focus on work," Achor observes. "But in working with companies around the world, I’ve found that the greatest predictor of success during stress and challenge is the quality and quantity of your relationships. "
    Positive approach to the daily grind gives rise to toughness, energy, and the ability to influence other people all things that create success. So if you want to come through this downturn with flying colors— and maybe even a promotion or a raise—you need to think positive.
[A]"Neuroscientists have discovered that writing down negative thoughts can act like a wet blanket on a fire of negative emotions," Achor explains. "The simple act of putting emotions into words immediately decreases their magnitude. " So dust off that old diary, or open up a Word document, and try it. Just make sure no one else sees it.
[B]"It turns out that, when we’re happy, our neurons fire faster and more efficiently," Achor says. Even when you’re working flat-out, use something you enjoy—photos of your last vacation, or reading a blog you get a kick out of—as a reward along the way, he suggests.
[C]Decades of research have shown that close ties to family and friends are among the biggest contributors to happiness, and may even help people live longer. "Now more than ever, take the time to strengthen those connections in your life," urges Achor. "You can start small by reaching out to just one person a day. "
[D]"If you try to make at least one of them work-related, you’re training your brain to let go of the daily troubles and notice the good things about your job—including, of course, having one in the first place. " Achor suggests.
[E]Your network should never be restricted to people in your domain but it should span other departments. Break away from comfort and get engaged with someone from a different department. A strong network always gives you an upper hand, not only to receive but also influence the information flow.
[F]"The good news is that you have the power to control much of this input. Surround your desk with pictures and objects that lead you toward positive thoughts. Your mood and your brain will thank you. " Achor notes.



解析 小标躯是“练习从‘好’的一面看待事物”。接下来是对这一标题的解释:感恩的心态能让人更加快乐,更加成功。[D]中明确指出,“训练大脑……发现工作中好的方面”,与标题照应。
