
admin2020-11-04  85

问题    中国数千年的传统文化对于当代的年轻人来说是一笔宝贵的财富。它既体现在百花齐放的政治学和哲学之中,也融入在精美绝伦的手工制品之内。当代中国正以一种史无前例的速度急速发展,它急需寻找其独特的文化根基,同时它又需要中国人对自己的传统文化建立起信心和自豪感。此外,传统文化中蕴含的先贤之道可以帮助我们解决旷日持久的棘手问题。儒家(Confucius)的伦理学教会我们三省吾身的同时又要尊敬别人,而墨家(Mencius)的兼爱理论可以用来打破今日国际上的战争僵局。


答案 The millennia traditional Chinese culture is a precious asset to today’s young generation. It is not only embodied in the flowering politics and philosophies but also in the exquisite handicrafts. As nowadays China develops at an unprecedented rate, it desperately calls for its citizens to seek its unique cultural roots as well as profound pride and confidence in its own traditional culture. Besides, the wisdom of ancestors in our traditional culture can definitely solve the thorny problems which exist for a long time. The ethics of Confucius teach us to introspect ourselves three times per day while holding respect for others: the benevolence of Mencius can be used to break the ice of today’s warring deadlock.

解析 1.第二句的“百花齐放”可以译为flowering;“精美绝伦”可以译为exquisite或者delicate。
2.第三句中,“以……速度”可译为at the rate/speed of...或at a(n)…rate/speed。同时,此句中汉语的并列句在英语中通常用as well as来表述。
3.第四句中,“先贤之道”可以译为the wisdom of ancestors;“棘手问题”可译为thorny problems;“旷日持久”可以用定语从句来翻译。
4.第五句中,“打破僵局”可以译为break the ice。
