Movies are probably the most popular form of entertainment today. Today’s full-length movies began with short motion pictures de

admin2022-10-27  27

问题     Movies are probably the most popular form of entertainment today. Today’s full-length movies began with short motion pictures developed in France in the late 1800s by the Lumifcre brothers. However, the world’s first full-length film, The Story of the Kelly Gang, came from Australia. This silent film, which showed the life of the notorious criminal Ned Kelly, opened at the Melbourne Town Hall on December 26, 1906. It was over an hour long.
    The film industry has come a long way from its humble beginning, and today millions of dollars are spent producing and advertising movies. Some of the most expensive movies ever produced include Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Titanic, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In comparison, the most expensive Bollywood film ever made, Devdas, cost only $10 million to make.
    However, when you compare the cost of an older movie with the value of money at the time it was made, Cleopatra remains the most expensive movie ever made. Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra in this film made in 1963. One of the reasons why this movie cost so much money was because Ms. Taylor had 65 different and very expensive costumes in the movie. This movie, if made today, would cost a minimum of $275 million to shoot.
    Some people, however, think that one film beats this record. For All Mankind, a documentary about NASA’s nine Apollo space missions, was produced from a film taken by NASA aboard its spaceships over several years. If the cost of the spaceships is taken into account, the film cost billions of dollars to make!
    The average budget of most Hollywood movies produced in the 1990s was over $50 million, and movie budgets are still continuing to climb. Often, the movie itself cannot make enough money from ticket sales alone to cover the cost of production, and the studio relies on merchandising and selling products related to the movie to help make up for poor box office. For example, the film Star Wars, which was a huge success in terms of box office sales, has gone on to make more than $2.5 billion after its release from toys and other merchandising connected to the Star Wars series.
    The problem that Hollywood studios are finding is that as film budgets increase, audiences expect more and more spectacular special effects, all of which cost increasing amounts of money. " You have to drive the audience into the theatre, and they won’t be driven into the theatre unless you can show them something they haven’t seen before," says Joe Silver, the producer of the three Matrix films. " You have to wow them." With audiences taking expensive special effects for granted, it seems that for the time being, big budget films are here to stay.
    Today’s modem movie industry had its【R1】________with the silent Australian movie The Story of the Ketty Gang. Since that time, both the popularity and【R2】________ of movies have grown in incredible amounts. By far,【R2】________in the United States spend the most, with the average movie in the 1990s costing over $50 million. Today the cost is even higher because people expect more and more【R4】________. Many films today have to rely on【R5】________to meet the cost of producing the film.


答案humble beginning

解析 文章第一段第二、三句提到“今天的长篇电影始于19世纪晚期,由卢米埃兄弟在法国开发的短片发展而来。然而,世界上第一部足长电影《凯利帮的故事》来自澳大利亚”。也就是说,今天的长篇电影开始于《凯利帮的故事》。文章第二段第一句前半部分提到“电影业从一开始就不起眼,现在已经走过了漫长的道路”。这句中的“从一开始就不起眼”指的就是前文所述。而题干所述为“今天的现代电影工业________澳大利亚无声电影《凯利帮的故事》”。空白处表达的意思是“开始于”,根据文章,应填入humble beginning。
