Interlocutor:Now, I’m going to give each of you a different picture and I’d like you to first describe it and then tell us what

admin2014-12-28  51

问题 Interlocutor:Now, I’m going to give each of you a different picture and I’d like you to first describe it and then tell us what you think about it.
(Hand over the Picture Sheet 2 to Candidate A.)

Candidate A, here is your picture: the traffic jam. Please let Candidate B have a look at it.
Candidate B, please listen carefully while Candidate A is speaking. When he has finished, you may say something more about the picture.
Candidate A, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now?
Candidates A:(Approximately one and a half minutes.)
Interlocutor: Thank you.
Candidate B, is mere anything else you would like to say about the picture? You may have half a minute for this.
Candidates B:(Approximately 30 seconds.)
(Retrieve die picture sheet.)
题目 2
(Hand over me Picture Sheet 3 to Candidate B.)

Candidate B, here is your picture: People don’ t prevent a thief stealing a person’ s purse. Please let Candidate A have a look at it.
Candidate A, please listen carefully while Candidate B is speaking. When he/she has finished, you may say something more about the picture.
Candidate B, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now?
Candidates B:(Approximately one and a half minutes.)
Interlocutor:Thank you.
Candidate A, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? You may have half a minute for this.
Candidates A:(Approximately 30 seconds.)
(Retrieve the picture sheet.)
Interlocutor: Thank you.(That is the end of the test.)


答案题目1 A: In the picture we can see there are so many cars and buses stuck on the road. Traffic jam is very common in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, especially in the rush hour. As people’ s life standard improves, private cars become very popular. People regard them as a symbol of wealth and status. But does it really increase people’ s welfare? It is hard to say. If you are stuck on the road for two hours a day, how can you say it is a kind of enjoyment of life? Furthermore, the increase of private cars has a very bad effect on environment. The green - house effect and the acid rain are both closely related to the air pollution. Therefore, private cars should not be encouraged in our society. B: I completely agree with Candidate A. Traffic jam has already become more and more severe in big cities. A lot of people spend more than three hours on the road to and from work, and at least half an hour is wasted on waiting in the traffic jam. It is really annoying. 题目2 B: This picture shows that a thief in a bus is stealing a person ’ s purse, but no one wants to stop him. They are pretending that they don’ t see it. The reason why people are so cold - hearted is that they don’ t want to get into trouble. Life is becoming busy nowadays. There are always too many things to deal with. People don’ t want to put their energy on something that is none of their own business. It seems that people are becoming more selfish. But should we blame them? I don’ t think so. They have already got too much burden in their life, so it is reasonable that they only think about themselves. A: I am afraid I can’ t agree with Candidate B. Busy life can not be the reason for people to become cold - hearted. The whole society is a big family. People should try to help each other. Every body will meet some trouble in their life and people should rely on each other.

