PART 1 The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics. ★Home —

admin2017-09-10  10

问题 PART 1
    The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.
—  What kind of place do you live in--a house, a flat, or a dormitory?
—  Who do you live with?
—  How long have you lived there?
—  Do you like living there?
—  Do you think you will move anytime soon?
—  How often do you use a computer?
—  Which websites do you often visit on the Internet?
—  In what ways do people use computers in your country?
—  How ’computer literate’ are you?
★Cultural events and entertainment
—  Do you often go to cultural events?
—  Tell me a little about the last time you went to a cultural event.
—  what kinds of cultural events do people like to go to in your city?
—  Is it expensive to go to such events?
—  Have you ever participated in a cultural event or exhibition?


答案★Home — I live in a semi-detached house. It has two floors, a garage, a small front garden and a large back one. — I live alone. — Actually, I only bought the house last year, so not very long at all. Before that, I lived in another part of the same city. — Yes, I do. The neighbourhood is very nice----clean and quiet. There is rarely any litter on the pavement and there are no main roads nearby. Most of the neighbours are elderly, so it’s very peaceful. In fact, I think that I’m the noisiest person there! — I hope I will go to live abroad for a while, but I intend to keep this house. I only bought it recently, so it would be terrible to have to sell it so soon. ★Computers — I use a computer almost every day. I have a computer at work, but I don’t use it the whole day. Most evenings I go online using the computer I have at home. I use computers to check my email, write documents, read news articles, visit the websites of companies that we work with or to play computer games. — I go to ’Yahoo!’ to check my email and sometimes read the news. I can also use that page to search on the Internet. I often visit websites where you can buy DVDs, such as Amazon. I like to see what is available. I sometimes buy DVDs online, but more often I buy from a shop. — I think that most people use computers like me. They check their email, write documents, or play computer games. I guess young people are more likely to use computers than older people, especially for computer games and email. I’d say that most people in my country know how to use a computer for basic things. — I’m pretty good at using computers, especially since I took a computer course last year at work. The company wanted more people to be able to deal with basic problems themselves rather than having to call out an expensive specialist every time something small went wrong. I think it was a good idea. Anyway, now I can use all the major programmes and deal with common faults. Sometimes my friends invite me over to dinner and ask me to fix their computers. It’s a fair exchange. ★Cultural events and entertainment — No, I don’t. I occasionally go to an exhibition, but that’s because of work, so I have to. I go to a concert about once a year, but I find them expensive and the sound quality isn’t very good. I much prefer to buy a CD. — Last week, I went to an exhibition for companies wishing to export to Asian countries. It was held outside London; so I had to travel there by car. I went with a colleague. We spent the whole day looking around at the exhibitors’ stalls. Originally, I had thought that it would be a waste of time, but actually we made some good contacts and we have already signed some contracts as a result of meeting people there. — There are so many cultural events going on in London all year round. Many of them involve music-- everything from classical to punk-rock. There are also hundreds of exhibitions in the city at any one time. The most popular cultural events have to be New Year and the Notting Hill Carnival, when thou- sands of people go out onto the streets and have some fun. — Going to concerts in Britain is quite expensive. I doubt that you can get tickets for less than £20. That would be for tickets right at the back of the opera hall. Many of the expensive tickets are bought by companies who want to impress clients. Exhibitions tend to be much cheaper. In fact, many are free. — At least once a year, I have to help organise our company stall at an exhibition. I used to think that they would be boring, but they are that bad if you are on the stall with good, fun people and there are plenty of people visiting your stall to check out what you have to offer. I enjoy handing out leaflets with information about our company and its products, and I love answering people’s questions.

