A. consequences B. dedicated C. deduces D. engaged E. explanations F. fallen G. inequality H. intellectual

admin2019-06-25  30

问题    A. consequences   B. dedicated   C. deduces    D. engaged    E. explanations
   F. fallen      G. inequality   H. intellectual   I. modifying    J. persistently
   K. repetitive     L. symbolizes   M. take     N. updating    O. zealously
   For most of human history rich people had the most leisure. On the flip side, the poor had to work 【C1】______. Hans-Joachim Voth, an economic historian, says that in 19th century you could tell how poor somebody was by how long they worked. Today things are different. Overall working hours have 【C2】______ over the past century. But the rich have begun to work longer hours than the poor.
   There are a number of 【C3】______. One is that higher wages make leisure more expensive: if people take time off they give up more money. Since the 1980s the salaries of those at the top have risen strongly, while those below the median have stood still or fallen. Thus rising 【C4】______ encourages the rich to work more and the poor to work less.
   The status of work and leisure in the rich world has also changed. Back in 1899 Thorstein Ve- blen offered his 【C5】______ on things. He argued that leisure was a "badge of honor". Rich people could get others to do the dirty, 【C6】______ work. Yet Veblen’s leisure class was not idle. Rather they 【C7】______ in "exploit": challenging and creative activities such as writing, charity and debating.
   Veblen’s theory needs 【C8】______. Work in advanced economies has become more knowledge-intensive and 【C9】______. There are fewer really dull jobs, like lift-operating, and more glamorous ones, like fashion design. That means more people than ever can enjoy "exploit" at the office. Work has come to offer the sort of pleasures that rich people used to seek in their leisure time. On the other hand, leisure is no longer a sign of social power. Instead it 【C10】______ uselessness and unemployment.



解析 空格后为名词work,空格前为形容词dirty,结合句意空格处应填入可与dirty并列的形容词或分词,修饰work。词库中与dirty一样包含消极意义的词是repetitive“重复的”,代入句中语义通顺,故选K项。
