
admin2012-12-01  48

问题     美国华裔子女几乎都走过这样一段路。上初中高中时,特别反感父母给予的中国教育,彼此瞧不起具有中国背景的同代人。这段时间,华裔父母最紧张、最迷失,纷纷检讨自我教育的失败。然而,到了大学,事情却发生变化。做得越过分的孩子,越与有华裔背景的同学交往,不是因为他们与西方同学合不来,而是因为文化与价值的归属感,让他们找回自我,到最后他们既不脱离西方主流文化,也不否认自己的中国文化。通过这条心路长大的华裔子女,生活与事业都比他们父母做得到位得体。


答案 When they go to middle school they resent the Chinese way of education their parents have given them and look down upon their peers with the same Chinese background. During this period their parents are the most nervous, quite at a loss, and then examine themselves of their failure in educating their children. However, when the children go to college, things are different. Those who went to extremes in high school are most likely to make friends with schoolmates of the same Chinese background. This is not because they are on bad terms with their Western schoolmates, but because the sense of belonging both in culture and values help them claim their own identity. Finally they neither alienate themselves from the mainstream Western culture nor deny their Chinese cultural background. Those who successfully go through this mental process will be able to achieve better results than their parents in their career and daily life.

