There is relatively little literature available on the impacts of extreme climate events on livestock. Nevertheless, storms, bli

admin2017-11-20  90

问题     There is relatively little literature available on the impacts of extreme climate events on livestock. Nevertheless, storms, blizzards and droughts are an important concern for livestock operations. In addition to the direct effects on animals, storms may result in power outages that can devastate farms that are heavily dependent upon electricity for daily operations. This was exemplified by the 1998 ice storm in eastern Ontario and southern Quebec, when the lack of power left many dairy farms unable to use their milking machines. This threatened the health of the cows (due to potential mastitis) and caused significant revenue losses. Milk revenue was also lost through the inability to store the milk at the proper temperature. Furthermore, the lack of electricity made it difficult to provide adequate barn ventilation and heating, thereby making the animals more susceptible to illness.(From Impact of Climatic Changes)


答案 虽然有关极端气候事件对家畜影响的现有文献相对较少,但毫无疑问,暴风雨、暴风雪和干旱是影响家畜业的重要因素。除了对牲畜产生的直接影响外,暴风雨会导致电力供应中断。而那些高度依赖电力的农场的日常运行将受到严重影响。例如,1998年安大略省东部和魁北克南部遭受暴风雪时,许多乳牛场因缺电无法使用挤奶机器,从而威胁奶牛的健康(可能会导致奶牛有乳腺炎),并对农户收入造成严重损失。牛奶无法在合适的温度下存放也导致了其销售收入的减少。此外,缺电还容易导致谷仓通风不畅,供暖不足,使奶牛易于患病。

