A、He is upset for not winning championship. B、He’s got to attend a meeting. C、He is absent-minded for an offer. D、He wants to ge

admin2010-12-04  17

W:Henry, you’re so out of it today. Does runner-up hit you So hard?
M:Oh, no, it’s no big deal. Anyway, I got an offer from the publisher and that’s all I can think about.
Q:What can we learn about the man from the conversation?

选项 A、He is upset for not winning championship.
B、He’s got to attend a meeting.
C、He is absent-minded for an offer.
D、He wants to get out of there.


解析 语义理解题。女士问男士心不在焉是否是因只得到第二名受到打击。男士对此表示否认,并告知女士是因为他收到出版社的录用函(offer),因此满脑子都是这件事。由此可见,男士因收到工作录用函而心不在焉,因此答案为C)。女士话中的out of it指一个人因为伤心难过或者喜悦而“心不在焉”,runner-up 相当于second place即“第二名,亚军”。
