我很高兴应邀与各位交流一下不同文化所形成的交际模式。作为一名在中国教学的美国人,我的报告基于我个人的经历和体会。 来自不同文化背景的人们往往都认为自己的行为方式是“正常的”。但涉及到说话方式时,有些在本族人看来很自然的话语却被外族人视为荒诞,甚至会

admin2018-01-04  84

I’m very happy to be invited and talk about communication pattern of different cultures. I will give my presentation based on my personal experience and observations as an American teacher in China. //
    People in every culture tend to regard the way they do things as "normal". But in regard to ways of speaking, what may seem natural to one person may be odd or misunderstood by someone outside the culture. //
    Communication patterns that cause confusion often center on indirect speech. Chinese and Americans can both speak indirectly, but their use of this speech pattern depends on many factors. //
    Context is crucial to understanding the indirect speech, such as speakers’ economic and work position in society, where they were born and have lived, and how they identify themselves in relation to themselves and others.


答案 我很高兴应邀与各位交流一下不同文化所形成的交际模式。作为一名在中国教学的美国人,我的报告基于我个人的经历和体会。 来自不同文化背景的人们往往都认为自己的行为方式是“正常的”。但涉及到说话方式时,有些在本族人看来很自然的话语却被外族人视为荒诞,甚至会引起误解。 引发困惑的交际模式集中反映在间接话语上。虽然中美两国人都会使用间接话语,但是如何使用间接话语模式取决于诸多因素。 语境对于理解间接话语是至关重要的,例如,说话者在社会上的经济地位及工作职务,说话者的出生地及长居地,说话者的自我定位及他人关系中的定位。

