中国(曲阜)国际孔子文化节(China(Qufu)International Confucius Cultural Festival)是融学术、文化、旅游、科贸于一体的大型国际节庆活动。自1984年起,每年于孔子诞辰(9月28日)前后在孔子故里一一山东曲阜

admin2015-08-31  65

问题     中国(曲阜)国际孔子文化节(China(Qufu)International Confucius Cultural Festival)是融学术、文化、旅游、科贸于一体的大型国际节庆活动。自1984年起,每年于孔子诞辰(9月28日)前后在孔子故里一一山东曲阜举行,至今已举办了29届。2013年是孔子诞辰2 564年.本届孔子文化节以“文化凝聚正能量,同心共筑中国梦”为主题,突出以人为本,注重群众参与。本届文化节充分发挥了孔子文化品牌带动作用,促进了当地经济建设、文化繁荣和社会各项事业的全面发展。


答案 China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival is one of the major international festivals covering academy, culture, tourism, technology and trade. Since 1984, this festival has been held at the hometown of Confucius—Qufu, Shandong Province annually before or after the birthday of Confucius(September 28)and it has been 29 years since then. And the 2013 Confucius Cultural Festival is held in this year to celebrate the 2 564th birthday of Confucius. The festival takes "With positive energy condensed by culture, we make concerted efforts to build Chinese dreams" as the theme, highlights the fundamental status of people, and attaches great importance to the participation of the public. Driven strongly by the cultural brand of Confucius, this festival promotes the overall development of local area in economy, culture and social welfares.

