A、A transport planner. B、A bus route designer. C、An architectural designer. D、An environmental appraiser. A对话开始男士问女士的工作是什么,女士回答她

admin2014-09-30  24

M: Hi, Serena, what is your current job?
W:(13)I work as a transport planner for a consultancy, an international consultancy based in New Zealand.
M: Transport planner? Does that mean you plan things being transported, like across the ocean?
W: No.(14)Transport planning stems from town planning, which involves planning of things that you can use to move people around.
M: Then, what do you do? Do you design bus routes?
W: The job is varied. I can plan bus routes. But quite often, it ends up being policy-driven work.(14)What I end up doing is environmental impact assessments. For example, if you’ve got a new project coming in, such as a new shopping center, I’d look at what impact it would have on the environment, how people get to the shopping center, if there is a possibility to reduce car use, and how that could be implemented.
M: What are the ways that can reduce the car use?
W: There are quite a few different ways.(15)The first would be to influence people’s behavior, and change their mental attitude towards transport. If you can make it easy for them to walk or cycle to a given destination, they’ll choose to do so.
M: That makes sense. Is there some other things?
W:(15)The second is to hike up petrol prices, which is something the government controls.(15)The other thing you could do is to make parking of cars very difficult at common public places.
M: So basically, your job is to reduce cars.
13. What profession does the woman take?
14. What can be inferred about the woman’s job?
15. What can they do to reduce the car use according to the woman?

选项 A、A transport planner.
B、A bus route designer.
C、An architectural designer.
D、An environmental appraiser.


解析 对话开始男士问女士的工作是什么,女士回答她是做交通规划的。
