After the dotcom boom of the 1990s, the world is about to experience a boom in dots. Over 1,000 new generic top-level domain nam

admin2020-03-31  23

问题     After the dotcom boom of the 1990s, the world is about to experience a boom in dots. Over 1,000 new generic top-level domain names(gTLDs)are set to join the 22 existing ones, such as. com and . org, and the 280 country-specific ones, such as . uk, that now grace the end of web addresses. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN), the nonprofit organisation that manages the web’s address book, reckons this will boost competition and innovation. It will also increase the cost to businesses of protecting their brands.
    Some of the new gTLDs, such as . guru and . sexy, will flatter owners’ egos. Others, such as . clothing and . photography, will be used by firms to tout their wares. Among the first to go live, on February 4th, was ".web" written in Arabic script. That made history: until now all generic top-level domains have been written in Latin lettering, meaning internet users with Arabic keyboards had to wrestle with ALT, CTRL and the like to type the last few letters of most websites’ names. Other gTLDs in scripts such as Chinese and Russian will follow in the coming months.
    Firms including Apple, Ford and IWC, a watchmaker, have already applied to register their names as gTLDs. That will allow them to ensure they are not used by crooks or cybersquatters. Google, Amazon and others have applied for numerous gTLDs, including . app and . kindle, presumably because they want to use them and think they can make money by selling the right to use "second-level" domains(for example, economist, app), typically for $ 10—50 a year. Firms may also be keen to buy certain second-level domains to stop them falling into the wrong hands. Donuts, a company that has lodged hundreds of applications for gTLDs, has . wtfand . sucks on its list.
    But there are costs to owning a gTLD. Firms must pay $ 185 ,000 to ICANN when applying for one, plus $ 25 ,000 for each year they use it. Deciding which ones to splash out on is tricky. New domains including . biz and . mobi have been added in the past, but have failed to put a dent in the wildly popular . com.
    The avalanche of new domains may also confuse web users, who often get to their destinations via search engines rather than by typing web addresses into browsers. Greater choice and competition should eventually bring them benefits. But the transition may be . complicated.
Firms may enjoy buying second-level gTLDs because______.

选项 A、businesses can make money in this way
B、they are cheaper compared with top-level ones
C、they will bring numerous benefits to the companies
D、this will prevent them from being used by bad guys


解析 根据题干中的second—level gTLDs定位到第三段。该段出现两次second-level do-mains(即second—level gTLDs),第一次出现在中间部分:because they want to use them and thinkthey can make money by selling the right to use“second-level”domains.注意,该句说的是byselling the right to use“second—level”domains,而题目问的是buying second—level gTLDs,故该句话不是答案来源。第二次出现在倒数第二句:Firms may also be keen to buy certain second—leveldomains to stop them falling into the wrong hands.其中,Firms may also be keen to buy certain sec—ond—level domains对应题干Firms may enjoying buying second—level gTLDs,故答案来自该句话的后半部分:to stop them falling into the wrong hands,而该句与选项[D]表述一致。故答案为选项[D]。
