
admin2018-09-21  42

问题     当汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰,扑入你的视野的,是黄绿错综的一条大毯子——黄的,那是土,未开垦的处女土,几十万年前由伟大的自然力所堆积成功的黄土高原的外壳;绿的呢,是人类劳力战胜自然的成果,是麦田,和风吹送,翻起了一轮一轮的绿波——这时你会真心佩服昔人所造的两个字“麦浪”,若不是妙手偶得,便确是经过锤炼的语言的精华。


答案As your truck bowls along the seemingly endless plateau a big yellow-green patchwork rug flashes into view. The yellow is virgin soil heaped up millions of years ago by great natural forces to form the crust of this loess steppe. The green, the result of men’s toil to conquer nature, is wheat fields blown by the breeze into green waves—showing the aptness of the old phrase "a sea of wheat". If not coined by a genius, it at least represents a fine example that demonstrates how well our language has been refined.

解析 1.本段描写一望无际的黄土高原上绿油油的麦浪所产生的美丽景色,诗情画意浓郁,颇具散文诗的风格,故采用一般现在时为总体时态,为读者营造一个身临其境的美学感受。
4.“扑入你的视野的,是黄绿错综的一条大毯子”中,“毯子”是比喻,可译为rug或blanket,保留原文的生动形象。可按字面意思译为What enters into your vision is a yellow-green patchwork rug/blanket。但为了突出描写的主体对象,即“黄绿错综的一条大毯子”,以yellow-green patchwork rug/blanket作为句子的主语,将“扑入你的视野”转化成谓语,译为flashes into view,十分得体。
5.“未开垦的处女土”可借鉴英文中常见的词语virgin land(处女地),译为virgin soil。“几十万年前由伟大的自然力所堆积成功”是定语结构,译为过去分词短语甚为简洁,符合英文的行文习惯;“堆积”可译为heapedup,“自然力”即natural forces。“高原的外壳”作为地质学术语应该译为crust of this loess steppe,应考时也可根据基本意思译为crust of this yellow-clay highland。
6.“昔人”指古代人,或过去的人,因此可以译为people in the past;也可以同后面的部分连在一起处理,将“昔人所造的两个字‘麦浪’”,译为the old phrase“a sea of wheat”,虽省略了“人”,但old一词,在下文照应下,已经包含“人”的意思(词语原本为人之创造)。
7.“妙手偶得”是中文习惯用语,可意译为coined by a genius或coined by a master of language art;“锤炼”可译为refine;“经过锤炼的语言的精华”可理解为“体现了汉语语言之精华的绝佳范例”,故可译为Itrepresents a fine example that demonstrates how well our language has been refined。
