In her international bestselling Talk to the Hand, author Lynne Truss argues that common courtesies such as saying "Excuse me" a

admin2013-07-30  18

问题     In her international bestselling Talk to the Hand, author Lynne Truss argues that common courtesies such as saying "Excuse me" are practically extinct. There are certainly plenty who would agree with her.
    Is it really true? We decided to find out if courtesy truly is kaput(完了)by experiments. In dozens of American cities, our reporters performed two experiments: "door tests"(would anyone hold one open for them?); and "document drops"(who would help them retrieve a pile of "accidentally" dropped papers?). Along the way, the reporters encountered all types: men and women of different races, ages, professions, and income levels.
    While 90 percent of the people passed the door test, only 55 percent aced the document drop. Are people less likely to help others when doing so takes extra effort or time? Not always, the reporters found. Take the pregnant woman who thought nothing of bending down to help us with our papers. Or the woman named Liz who precariously balanced two coffees, her keys and her wallet on a takeout tray with one hand, while picking up papers off the wet pavement with the other. Her reason for helping? "I was there," she said matter-of-factly.
    Overall, men were the most willing to help, especially when it came to document drops. In those, men offered aid 63 percent of the time, compared to 47 percent among women. Of course, men weren’t entirely democratic about whom they’d help. All of them held the door for the female reporter, and were more than twice as likely to help her pick up fallen papers than they were to help our male reporter.
    By far, the most common reason people cited for being willing to go out of their way to help others was their upbringing. "It’s the way I was raised," said one young woman who held a door open despite struggling with her umbrella on a rainy day in Brooklyn.
    We realize this isn’t a rigorous scientific study, but we believe it is a reasonable real-world test of good manners around the globe. And it’s comforting to know that in a place where millions of people jostle(推挤)one another each day to get ahead, they’re able to do it with a smile and a thank-you. Hey, if they can make nice here, they can make nice anywhere.
The reporters found that helping others is a behavior that is largely influenced by the way people______.


答案were raised

解析 根据题干中的helping others和the way将本题出处定位到倒数第二段。该段首先提到the most common reason people citedfor…help others was their upbringing.,然后举例说明:“It’s the way I wasraised,”said one young woman…,由此可知,人们帮助别人的行为主要受到他们的upbringing的影响,也就是女士提到的the way I was raised的影响。题干中的the way为原文信息重现,题干用people替换了I,故将谓语动词was改为were,故答案为were raised。
