
admin2010-03-25  25

问题     我刚刚接到你的来信,决定用整个上午的时间来给你回信,因为我估料三言两语不能够把我要跟你讲的话讲个明白。我得承认,你所提出的要求很使我诧异,我没有料到提出这个要求的人竟会是你。请你不要以为我说的是气话。如果你一定装作听不懂我的话,那只有请你原谅我失礼了。我们都认为,达西所以要那样做,完全是为了你的缘故。如果你当真一点也不知道,那也只好让我来跟你说说明白了。就在我回家的那一天,有一个意想不到的客人宋见你舅父。那人就是达西先生,他跟你舅父关起门来,密谈了好几个钟头。等我到家的时候,事情已经过去了。他说发生的一切都怪他不好。他慨然引咎自责,认为这次的事情都得怪他当初太傲慢,因此称这次出面调停,设法补救自己惹的祸实在是义不容辞。


答案 I have just received your letter, and shall devote this whole morning to answering it, as I foresee that a little writing will not comprise what I have to tell you. I must confess myself surprised by your application; I did not expect it from you. Don’t think me angry for my saying this. If you do not choose to understand me, forgive my impertinence. We all believe Darcy acted as he has done only for your sake. But if you are really innocent and ignorant, I must be more explicit. On the very day of my coming home, your uncle had a most unexpected visitor. Mr. Darcy called, and was shut up with him several hours. It was all over before I arrived. He said he was responsible for all that had happened. He generously imputed the whole to his mistaken pride. He called it, therefore, his duty to step forward and endeavor to remedy an evil which had been brought on by himself.

