It’s an odd paradox: thanks to cell phones, PDAs and the Internet, we’ve never before been in touch and within reach of so many

admin2015-11-27  66

问题 It’s an odd paradox: thanks to cell phones, PDAs and the Internet, we’ve never before been in touch and within reach of so many people.  And yet, we’ve never been so lonely, either.
Which is to say, our loneliness is largely something we’ve inflicted on ourselves through countless lifestyle choices, many of them good, some even critical.  But in the end, is it all worth it?
What is lost when we have e-mail pals on the other side of the world, but don’t know our own neighbors? Are bigger salaries, bigger cars, bigger homes worth the price of smaller social circles and diminished relationships?
Our loneliness has costs: crime goes up when neighbors don’t look out for each other. The burden on public services increases when we’re not helping each other out. And the din of an iPod is no substitute for genuine connection with another human being.
There’s no easy way out of our collective loneliness, and no solutions that come without trade-offs. But some of those trade-offs are worth reconsidering, lest we consume our lives with the things that matter least, at the expense of those that matter most.


答案 这是一个奇怪的悖论:由于手机、平板电脑和因特网的出现,我们从未像今天这样能接触到这么多人。然而,我们也从未如此孤独过。 这就是说,我们的孤独感很大程度上是由我们选择的诸多生活方式造成的。其中很多方式给我们带来了便利,甚至是必不可少的。但说到底,这些值得吗? 我们可以通过电子邮件结识远在世界另一端的朋友,但却不认识身边的邻居,此时我们失去了什么?我们的工资更高了、车子更豪华了、房子更宽敞了,但社交圈却变窄了、保持联系的人却少了,这种代价值得吗? 孤独让我们付出了代价:当邻居们不再互相关照,犯罪增加了;当我们不再彼此帮助,公共服务机构的负担增加了;整天听iPod喧闹的音乐也无法代替与他人面对面的交流。 没有什么简单的方法能帮助我们摆脱集体的孤独,所有的解决办法都要付出代价。但是为了避免我们错过最重要的事情,而把一生都浪费在极其琐碎的事情上,付出一定的代价还是值得考虑的。

解析 1.第一段第一句中的paradox指“自相矛盾,悖论”;PDAs指“平板电脑”。
2.第二段第一句可采用断句法,…our loneliness is largely something…lifestyle choices为一句,many of them good,some even critical则另成一句。inflicted指“使负担,给予或强加给……”;critical根据语境应译为“必不可少的”。
3.第三段第二句中的几个名词词组bigger salaries,bigger cars,bigger homes可进行词性转换,译为形容词词组,注意bigger和不同名词搭配时的不同译法,即“工资更高、车子更豪华、房子更宽敞”。
5.第五段第一句中的no solutions that come without trade—offs是一个双重否定句,可以翻译为肯定句“所有的解决办法都要付出代价”。trade—offs指“交易,交换”,引申为“代价”。
6.第五段最后一句翻译时需要调整语序,先翻译lest引导的状语从句。consume our lives根据语境可译为“浪费生命”。
