Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the news?

admin2013-06-03  33

问题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the news?
The Northwest braced for blizzards Friday night—icy roads created from storms this week paralyzed much of the greater Seattle-Washington area, where schools were closed and bus routes were suspended Friday (Q28) as roads were too icy to navigate. Two charter buses carrying 80 people that collided and skidded off a road were pulled to safety (Q28). The buses crashed through a metal railing and hung precariously over Interstate 5 for several hours before tow trucks pulled them back on the road. The snowfall closed the airport for several hours (Q28) , and cut into local business hours for retail shops during the busiest shopping season of the year.

选项 A、The airport was shut down for Friday.
B、There was a road accident involving two buses.
C、Local shops were closed earlier than usual.
D、Bus service was stopped for Friday.


解析 细节题。文中提到因为雪后路滑,公交线路停运。(Bus routes were suspended Friday as roads were too icy to navigate.)即选项D被提及。两辆车发生了事故。(Two charter buses carrying 80 people collided and skidded off a road.)即选项B被提及。当地商场都提前关门。(cut into local business hours for retail shops during the busiest shopping season of the year.)即选项C被提及。文中虽然说大雪还导致机场关闭数小时。(The snowfall closed the airport for several hours),但并没有说周五一天都关闭,因此,选项A正确。
