我们没有看到日出的奇景。那要在秋高气爽的时候。不过我们确有自己的独乐之处:我们在雨中看到瀑布,两天以后下山时,瀑布已经不那样壮丽了。因为小瀑布不见了,大瀑布变小了。我们沿着西溪(the West Valley)翻山越岭,穿过果香扑鼻的苹果园,在黑龙潭附近待

admin2014-12-11  35

问题     我们没有看到日出的奇景。那要在秋高气爽的时候。不过我们确有自己的独乐之处:我们在雨中看到瀑布,两天以后下山时,瀑布已经不那样壮丽了。因为小瀑布不见了,大瀑布变小了。我们沿着西溪(the West Valley)翻山越岭,穿过果香扑鼻的苹果园,在黑龙潭附近待了老半天。要不是下午要赶火车的话,我们还会待下去的。山势和水势在这里别是一种格调,多变而又和谐。


答案 We missed the glorious sunrise, the best season for which is the clear, sparkling autumn. But we did have our own pleasure — the sight of the waterfalls in the rain. They were, on our journey two days later, far less impressive; for the smaller cascades had disappeared and the big waterfalls had become small ones. Following the West Valley, we climbed many peaks and ridges, passed through the fragrant apple orchard, and lingered for a while by Black Dragon Pool. But for the afternoon train we had to catch, we would have stayed longer at the pool. There mountains and water combine to form a picture of harmony and infinite variety, a landscape with a beauty of its own.

