By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when a buying is done. The problems either with the

admin2009-08-19  15

问题 By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when a buying is done.
The problems either with the dispenser mechanism or with the bills can lead to ______.


答案a high reject rate

解析 由题干中the dispenser mechanism和bills可定位到第三个小标题下第:三段最后一句A high reject rate would indicate a problem with the bills or with the dispenser mechanism.此处要求填入名词性短语作lead to的宾语。本题考查ATM高拒钞率说明的问题。根据原句ATM拒钞率高说明要么钞票有问题,要么吐款机制出厂问题。换句话说,问题的出现会导致高拒钞率。故a high reject rate为本题答案。
