A、Making a sales plan. B、Preparing an annual report. C、Doing a market survey. D、Writing a business letter. C信息明示题。对话中,女士说男士最近看起来

admin2018-08-29  37

W: You seem quite busy these days.
M: Yes.(15)We are doing a market survey.
W: Really? What’s it about?
M: About people’s attitudes toward online shopping.
W: What results have you got?
M:(16)Most young people prefer shopping online.
W: How about old people?
M: Some old people also like online shopping.
15. What is the man doing these days?
16. What can we learn about online shopping from the conversation?

选项 A、Making a sales plan.
B、Preparing an annual report.
C、Doing a market survey.
D、Writing a business letter.


解析 信息明示题。对话中,女士说男士最近看起来非常忙碌,男士作出肯定回答,并指出他们正在做一项市场调查,所以本题的答案为C)“做一项市场调查”。A)“制定一个销售计划”、B)“准备一份年度报告”和D)“写一封商务信函”,这三个选项提到的内容与对话中男士正在做的事情不一致,因此可以排除。
