A、It was too small. B、It was too loose. C、It was too expensive. D、She doesn’t like the style. D男士说“你穿这件衣服很好看。可能腰那里稍微有点紧。你想试大一号的吗

admin2010-03-26  27

M: Between the two homes we saw yesterday, which one do you prefer?
W: I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger yard, so I like it better.
Q: Which house does the woman prefer?
M: You look very nice in this dress. Perhaps the waist is a little too tight. Would you like to try a size larger?
W: Well, the style isn’t quite what I had in mind. Thank you anyway.
Q: Why didn’t the woman buy the dress?

选项 A、It was too small.
B、It was too loose.
C、It was too expensive.
D、She doesn’t like the style.


解析 男士说“你穿这件衣服很好看。可能腰那里稍微有点紧。你想试大一号的吗?”女士说“这个款式不是我想要的那种,不过还要谢谢你。”该题问“女士为什么不买这件衣服”。尽管大小不算合适,但是女士不买的真正原因是因为款式与想象不符。故[D]“她不喜次这种款式”为正确答案。
