
admin2020-06-30  27

问题     对所有中国的大一新生来说,9月是激动人心的日子。许多人都是第一次走出家门,在一个新环境中生活。但在数周后,激动的心情慢慢地被乡愁(homesickness)所取代。乡愁是因为离开家而产生的痛苦之情。他们想念家人、以前的朋友和同学、甚至是自己的旧床铺。有些学生只会觉得有一点孤独、悲伤或焦虑。其他人可能会表现出胃痛或头痛等身体不适的症状。


答案 September is an exciting month for every Chinese college freshman. It’s the first time for many of them to leave home to live in a new environment. But after a few weeks, excitement gradually gives way to homesickness which is the distress caused by the separation from home. They miss their family members, old friends and classmates, or even the old bed. Some students may only feel a little loneliness, sadness, or anxiety. Others may feel physical symptoms, like stomachache or headache.

解析 1.翻译第1句中的“9月是激动人心的日子”时,为了符合英文的表达逻辑,应把“日子”转化为“月”,表达为September is an exciting month。
2.第2句中的“第一次”,可套用句型it is the first time for sb.to do sth.来表达。“在一个新环境中生活”表目的,故将其译作目的状语,表达为to live in a new environment。
3.第3句中的“激动的心情慢慢地被乡愁所取代”可译为excitement is gradually replaced by homesickness,但不如译文中的excitement gradually gives way to homesickness表达得生动、自然。
4.第4句的主语“乡愁”正好是前一句的宾语,故将其与上一句合并,处理成由which引导的定语从句。定语“因为离开家而产生的”较长,可处理成后置定语,用表被动的分词短语caused by the separation from home来表达。
