
admin2021-08-19  45

问题     赵括既代廉颇,悉更约束,易置军吏。秦将白起闻之,纵奇兵,佯败走,而绝其粮道,分断其军为二,士卒离心。四十余日,军饿,赵括出锐卒自搏战,秦军射杀赵括。括军败,数十万之众遂降秦,秦悉坑之。


答案 After Zhao Kuo replaced Lian Po as the new commander, he completely changed the rules and regulations formulated by Lian Po and dismissed officers. When Baiqi heard that Zhao Kuo had taken command, he sent out his troops in a surprise attack. The Qin army, feigning defeat, raced from the field, leaving two lines of ambush troops ready to fall on the enemy. Then the Qin ambush forces cut off the rear of the Zhao army, while another division sealed off the Zhao fortifications. Thus the Zhao army was split into two parts and its supply lines were cut off. The Zhao soldiers had had no food for over forty days and many were hungry to starved. The Zhao army commander Zhao Kuo called out his finest men and led them into combat, but the Qin army shot and killed him with arrows. Thus Zhao Kuo was defeated, and several hundred thousand of his soldiers surrendered to Baiqi. He consequently devised some deception and had them all massacred.

解析     “代”在这里意为“替代”,翻译时添加as the new commander这部分信息,明确指出代替了廉颇的什么位置,对历史文化背景做了一定的补充介绍。 “悉”表示“尽,全”,使用副词completely体现彻底性和全面性。“易置”意为“改设,更换”,在这里指任免军吏的职位,翻译时用dismiss和replace两个动词表示。
    “纵”意为“派出”,“奇兵”指“出其不意突然袭击的军队”,因此“纵奇兵”即“派兵突袭”之意;“佯败走”的目的是“绝其粮道,分断其军为二”,进而达到“士卒离心”的效果;“绝其粮道”和“分断其军为二”的对战敌方分别是戍守赵军军粮的士兵以及在战场与秦军对战的赵军,这显然需要两支秦军小队分别行动才能达到目的,因此在介绍“佯败走”时,补充信息leaving two lines of ambush troops ready to fall on the enemy,详细说明秦军埋伏计划的细节,并介绍这两支秦军小队的任务,增强战争过程描述的画面感。《史记》这类典籍蕴含着丰富的中国传统文化,在外译时经常需要借助增译、加注等方法,以便于读者理解。
    “括军败,数十万之众遂降。秦”是这场战争的直接结果,“秦悉坑之”是赵军降秦后,秦军的处置方法,因此使用副词consequently体现其中的先后关系。“秦悉坑之”中“坑”意为“坑杀”,而坑杀都具有欺骗性,一般先骗战俘说挖坑用作其他用途,等降兵挖了深坑,爬不上来时,再将他们一并活埋屠杀,因此翻译时使用devised some deception体现其中的“欺骗”之意,使用表示大屠杀的massacre一词,体现秦军的残忍及战争的残酷。
