
admin2019-04-11  72

问题     埃博拉是一种十分罕见的病毒,1976年在苏丹南部和刚果(金)的埃博拉河地区发现它的存在后,引起医学界的广泛关注和重视,“埃博拉”由此而得名。虽然埃博拉疫情在西非地区迅速蔓延,但是科学家们至今仍然缺少一些关键的病毒基因数据,以回答这样一个引起众人担忧猜测的问题:埃博拉病毒是否正在变得更具传染性或致死性?病毒是否正在发生一些改变,使自己能够避开诊断性测试或疫苗?成千上万份埃博拉感染患者的血液样本目前已经储存在非洲和欧洲的冷藏库内,至今仍未被研究过。直到这一期《科学》期刊交付印刷的时候,几个拥有最新的病毒基因组序列信息的研究团队仍然没有将这些序列信息公之于众。


答案A rare virus, Ebola has attracted broad and serious attention by the medical community ever since it was first detected in South Sudan and areas near the Ebola River of Congo in 1976. Ebola was named after the river where it was found. As the Ebola epidemic sweeps through West Africa, scientists lack key genetic data to answer a question that has provoked much worried speculation: Is the virus becoming more transmissible or more deadly? Is the virus acquiring changes that would let it evade diagnostic tests or vaccines? Thousands of blood samples from Ebola patients have been sitting in refrigerators in Africa and Europe, untouched. And, as Science went to press, the few groups that have new genomic sequence data have not made them public.

