A、How to update the basic facilities. B、What to do to enhance their position. C、Where to locate their plant. D、How to attract in

admin2021-07-14  24

W: So, possible locations for the plant. First, the basic facilities for the region are generally very good. At least between the three main cities, Bilbao, Vitoria in the south and San Sebastian. There is now a fast train link to the south of France and to the rest of Spain. All these improvements affect Bilbao principally, but the whole region benefits. First, the port area has been completely modernized and relocated. And the airport has also been extended. So the basic facilities are good.
M: Right. So, are we in a position to choose one of these cities?
W: Well, let’s not rush into anything. I think it’ll be a bad idea to assume we’re going to choose a city. It might be better to think about one of the smaller towns.
M: Smaller places. Yes. So, should we get details on the possible places?
W: Yes. We could do that. But, we need, I think, first, to check a few things. For example, tax benefits, grants and anything like that, for locating to a smaller place, not one of the main cities. Then we could make a better decision.
M: Yes, I agree. You’ve talked about the improved transport links in Bilbao. What about the links to the smaller towns? If it’s a mountainous or hilly region, it could take an hour or more for a truck to reach a main road. So I think we need to look specifically at the train and road links for smaller towns.
W: Yes. You’re right. Road and rail, and the financial position.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5. What are the speakers discussing?
6. What does the woman say about Bilbao, Vitoria and San Sebastian?
7. What does the woman think they should do?
8. What is the man concerned about?

选项 A、How to update the basic facilities.
B、What to do to enhance their position.
C、Where to locate their plant.
D、How to attract investments.


解析 选项是关于目的的。对话开头提到女士要为工厂选择地点,接着围绕地点展开讨论。由此可知C)是正确答案。
