The following chart shows the expansion plans of Chinese companies in overseas markets in the next 5 years. Look at the chart ca

admin2021-08-05  410

问题     The following chart shows the expansion plans of Chinese companies in overseas markets in the next 5 years. Look at the chart carefully and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should interpret the chart and give your comments.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Expansion Plans in Overseas Markets The chart above clearly demonstrates the data of Chinese companies’ expansion plans in overseas markets, including the changes in fields of research and development, production, marketing and services in five years. The number of enterprises planning overseas expansion in research and development field will increase by 32 percent and that in production will rise by 27 percent, a rapid pace compared with marketing and services. We can see clearly from the chart that today’s Chinese companies are showing greater interests in expanding global business by researching, developing, and producing new products overseas. There is no doubt that China’s overseas business focus is shifting from service industry to knowledge-based and high-tech industries. For one thing, the Chinese were doing more labor-intensive businesses. This did attract a lot of foreign companies in the beginning. But the problem is that we only played the role of manufacturer. The shift of focus to the research and development and production shows that our domestic companies are also trying to become developers and creators. For another, with greater interests of Chinese companies in global investment, the expansion of research, development and production overseas will bring huge profits. Nowadays, Chinese companies aim to produce more "Made in China" products as well as "Invented in China" goods. Taking into account what has been discussed above, we can arrive at the conclusion that China is experiencing a revolutionary change in economic development. I believe that expansion in overseas markets is a strategic priority for many Chinese companies. It would be a great idea if these companies improve the scientific and technical level of their research and production before they have a big share of overseas markets.

解析     本题为图表作文。图表展现了未来五年内中国企业海外扩张计划的数据。在具体行文方面,考生可以先简要叙述图表内容,然后分析进行海外扩张的两个原因:中国企业的角色转变和产品技术含量转变,最后表明自己观点。
