
admin2023-01-12  75

问题     金圣叹说过:“人生三十不仕,不当再仕,五十不娶,不当再娶。何则?用非其时也。”这一种说法,可代表中国人一般的普通思想。中国人的事业观,最羡慕“少年得志”,最伤感“大器晚成"。为了这个原因,便是有所成就的人,到了五十以上,便有退休的意思。六十七十的人若还在事业上努力,就有抽身不得的慨叹了。照人生上寿不过八十而言,为私人作一番打算,这种作风好像也有点道理。只是就事业的观点上说,就不对。因为越是有年纪的人,他的学识经验也就越丰富,大事业正需要这种人撑持。而且为人作事,也必须有个自信心。一老就觉得自己不行。那也透着我们生命力不强。扩而充之.整个民族如此,那是我们一种自馁精神,对民族兴衰大有关系。欧美人之成大事业总在晚年,恰与我们的观点相反。最近有两个老人的行为,值得借鉴,正可给我们打一针兴奋剂。


答案 If the maximum span of life is 80 for a human being, the idea of only taking into account the interests of one’s own might make some sense. However, it is not correct as far as career is concerned. The older a person becomes, the more experienced he is in knowledge, which is what we need for the success of a big career. What’s more, this confidence is a must-have when dealing with various people and affairs in real life. Losing confidence as soon as one gets old indicates a lack of vitality. Moreover, this discouragement might determine the fate of our nation if it has an impact on all of us. Europeans and Americans happen to think differently from us, according to them, great successes come late in life.

