A、Try to save money month by month. B、Try to exercise each day. C、Try to buy some necessary items. D、Try to stick to a budget ea

admin2015-06-07  15

M:I think you’d better find another person to be your badminton partner. I love the game, but I just don’t think I am improving.
W:Look, Jack, it’s still too early to give up. I don’t expect you to be a superstar. Just keep practicing and you surely can see the result.
Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?
M:I’m hoping that I can get my finances in better shape. I can’t spend money like this anymore, or I will get bankrupt.
W:Well, follow a month-by-month plan and stop buying those unnecessary items in your room.
Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?

选项 A、Try to save money month by month.
B、Try to exercise each day.
C、Try to buy some necessary items.
D、Try to stick to a budget each month.


解析 男士说要好好理财,否则就要破产了,女士说应该有个月份计划,不要再买不必要的东西,故选D。A为强干扰项,制定月份预算计划与“省钱”并非完全是同一回事。
