
admin2019-09-18  7

问题    本公司是全球最大最强的冶金建设运营服务商,拥有24万在职员工,资产规模超7000亿元,境外机构、资源项目及承建工程遍布全球60多个国家和地区。本公司有着独特的全产业链竞争优势,在全球金属矿业领域率先打通了从资源获取、勘查、设计、施工、运营到流通、深加工的全产业链,形成了为金属矿产企业提供系统性解决方案和工程建设运营一体化全生命周期的服务能力。


答案 Our corporation is the world’s largest and strongest service provider for the development and operation of the metallurgical industry. It has 240,000 employees, assets worth 700 billion yuan, and overseas subsidiaries, resource and construction projects in over 60 countries and regions. With a unique competitive edge, it becomes the first company to have formed the whole industrial chain comprising resource acquisition, exploration, project designing, construction, operation, circulation and intensive processing. It is capable of providing both systematic solutions to metals and minerals enterprises and services to the whole lifecycle of integrated project construction and operation. Rich in deposit of mineral resources, the company owns some world-class top-quality mines at home and abroad. Thanks to the core technologies and designing and construction capabilities at its disposal in all aspects of metallurgical industry, it has undertaken more than 90 percent of the designing and construction jobs of large and medium-sized iron and steel projects in China and 60 percent of the metallurgical construction projects around the world. It is thus known as the "national team" for China’s metallurgical industry. With a trade and circulation network for procurement and marketing around the globe, it boasts the largest circulation handling capacity of mineral products in China.

解析    第一段简述了该公司的规模和地位,第二段介绍了公司作为冶金建设“国家队”的优势和已取得的成就。
