
admin2013-05-19  60

问题     现在,我国的《红楼梦》研究,可以说是百花烂漫,盛况空前。“中国艺术研究院”设立了“红楼梦研究所”,从事这部伟大小说及其作者的专门研究。目前,已经完成了《红楼梦》新校本的校注和其他若干研究项目。此外,全国各研究机关和大专院校,也都拥有不少从事“红学”研究的专业和业余人员。他们对《红楼梦》的思想、艺术、版本以及作家的生平、家世等方面进行了研究,并出版了不少研究成果。为了便于研究成果的交流,两年来,出了两种“红学”研究的专门刊物:《红楼梦研究学刊》和《红楼梦研究集刊》。1980年7月,在哈尔滨还召开了《全国红楼梦讨论会》。这部伟大小说的研究,正在向更加深人的方向发展。


答案 A wide range of research on A Dream of Red Mansions is currently being conducted in China. The Dream of Red Mansions Research Institute, devoted solely to work on the novel, has been established at the Chinese Academy of Arts. At the Institute textual notes for a new edition have recently been completed and several associated research projects are underway. In many institutions of higher education throughout China scholars, professional and amateur, are engaged in studying various aspects of the novel. In the last two years much research information has been exchanged in two new periodicals—Studies on a Dream of Red Mansions and Studies on a Dream of Red Mansions. In addition, a national symposium to discuss current research was held in Harbin, Heilengjiang Province in July 1980.

解析     这段节选自一篇向国外介绍《红楼梦》的文章。参考译文选自翻译界泰斗杨宪益的译文,考虑到外国读者对《红楼梦》知之甚少,他没有“紧扣”中文。译文在遣词造句、谋篇布局等方面堪称典范,考生可以细细体会译家高超的翻译手法。
……百花烂漫,盛况空前:如字对字译为:  “Now,we may say as well that the researches on the novel A Dream of Red Mansions in our country are exceptionally flourishing.”。似乎有些夸饰,反而没有忠实地译出原文信息。
全国各研究机关和大专院校:合译为“in many institutions of higher education throughout China”。
他们……并出版了不少研究成果:对原文亦步亦趋的话,可以译为:  “They work hard at researching into the ideology,art,edition as well as the life and genealogy of the author of this outstanding novel,publishing a lot of their scientific results.”。但似乎对译文读者而言,信息过多反而丧失了阅读的兴趣,不妨与前一句合译。
