
admin2022-10-27  40

问题 冰壶是以队为单位在冰上进行的一种投掷性竞赛项目,被大家喻为冰上的“国际象棋”。冰壶于14世纪起源于苏格兰,1955年传入亚洲,从1998年开始,冰壶被列为冬奥会正式比赛项目。冰壶是一项讲究技术和传统的运动,一次完美的投壶令人赏心悦目,而观看一场体现真正运动精神的传统冰壶比赛也非常有意义。一名优秀的冰壶运动员从来不会故意干扰对手,也不会妨碍对方发挥最佳水平,冰壶精神就是要求要有友善和可敬的行为。


答案Curling is a team sport in which players slide stones on ice, which is called "chess on ice". Curling originated in Scotland in the 14th century and was introduced to Asia in 1955. Since 1998, curling has been listed as an official event in the Winter Olympic Games. Curling is a tactical and traditional sport. A perfect sliding is very enjoyable, and it’s also very meaningful to watch a traditional curling competition that embodies the true sportsmanship. An excellent curling player will never deliberately interfere with his opponent, nor hinder him from playing at his best. Curling spirit requires friendly and respectful behavior.

解析 1. 第一句的前后分句都是以冰壶为主语,翻译时可以将第一个分句作为主句,将第二个分句处理为从属部分。“被大家喻为冰上的‘国际象棋”可以像参考译文那样,翻译为which引导的定语从句。也可以处理为现在分词结构,即being called“chess on ice”。
2. 第二句的句子结构较为简单,可以将其翻译成三个并列的单句,用and连接。也可以像参考译文那样,将第三个分句单独成句。需要注意的是,“从1998年开始……”提示该句应用现在完成时态。
3. 第三句的三个分句各有主语,翻译时应注意句子的逻辑关系。本句较长,可以译为两句。“体现真正运动精神”可译成embodies the true sports man ship。
4. 第四句中文过长,要按照中文的意群进行适当的划分。在翻译时可以将前两个分句合并翻译成一个并列句,用nor连接表示否定,第三个分句独立成句。“不会……也不会……”可以使用“never…nor…”的句子结构。避免重复。“故意干扰对手”可以翻译为deliberately interfere with his opponent或interfere with his opponent on purpose。“妨碍……”可以用“hinder sb. from doing…”来表达。
