State and local authorities from New Hampshire to San Francisco have begun banning the use of facial-recognition technology. The

admin2021-10-14  46

问题     State and local authorities from New Hampshire to San Francisco have begun banning the use of facial-recognition technology. Their suspicion is well【C1】________: these algorithms make lots of mistakes, particularly when it【C2】________identifying women and people of color. Even if the tech gets more accurate, facial recognition will unleash an invasion of privacy that could make anonymity impossible.【C3】________, bans on its use by local governments have done little to curb adoption by businesses from startups to large corporations.
    Automated face-recognition programs do have advantages, 【C4】________their ability to turn a person’s unique appearance into a biometric ID that can let phone users【C5】________ their devices with a glance. To train such systems, researchers【C6】________a variety of photographs to a machine-learning algorithm. The more data they【C7】________, the more【C8】________these programs become.
    Too often,【C9】________, the algorithms are deployed prematurely. In London, for example,  police have begun using artificial-intelligence systems to scan surveillance footage in an attempt to【C10】________wanted criminals as they walk by—despite an independent review that found this system labeled suspects【C11】________only 19 percent of the time. An inaccurate system could【C12】________【C13】________innocent citizens of being miscreants, earmarking law-abiding people for tracking, harassment or arrest. This becomes a civil-rights issue because the algorithms are more likely to misidentify people of color.
    Some companies are attempting to improve their【C14】________by feeding them more nonwhite and nonmale faces—but they are not always doing it in【C15】________ways. Google contractors in Atlanta, for example, have been accused of exploiting homeless black people in the company’s quest for faces, buying their images for a few dollars. Such stories suggest that some companies are tackling this problem as an afterthought【C16】________addressing it responsibly.
    Even if someone releases improved facial-recognition software【C17】________high accuracy across every demographic, this technology will still be a【C18】________Because algorithms can scan video footage much more quickly than humans can, facial recognition【C19】________constant surveillance of a population. These systems can easily be used to treat every citizen like a criminal, which destroys individual privacy,【C20】________free expression and causes psychological damage.

选项 A、cure


解析 固定搭配题。四个选项分别为[A]cure“治愈”;[B]remind“提醒”;[C]accuse“指控,指责”;[D]rob“抢劫”。这四个选项都可以和介词of搭配,分别意为“治好某人的病…”“提醒某人………”“指控某人……”“抢某人……”。代人四个选项,只有[C]选项符合题意,故为最佳选项。
